
Anyone else see Nutella instead of Nigella?

Seriously! Rather than get upset and defensive, she did some research and acknowledged the weaknesses in her speech. Plus, she managed to shine a light on intersectionality in the process (something we all really need to talk about more). Kudos all around.

This is classy as shit. Good for her. People fuck up but she actually went out and learned something. Yay for learning!

Sounds like she’s done more learning and reflection. Good for her.

Don’t hate. I like him so much I would go drinking if he asked me to go out with him.

I like the fact that the people behind the Star Wars sequels are aware of the cultural landscape and are attempting to be more inclusive in terms of casting and directorial considerations. I also like the fact that Ava has a specific artistic vision that is important to her and her audience. So maybe good on both of

Yep. UT actually had (has?) an incredibly interesting experiment to address this exact problem.

This is a related and excellent read.

I feel like ‘intellectual asylum’ needs to be considered a real reason to leave the US nowadays.

The Greeks people are the ones causing misery to themselves. The Greek people are the ones who elect corrupt and incompetent leaders, it’s the Greek people who don’t pay taxes, it’s the Greek people who dig themselves deeper and deeper in debt by refusing to accept reality and change their ways.

How is this relevant to the case of a person who is:

The thing I find most upsetting about this (and there are a lot of things) is that evidently in this idiot’s mind “refugee” is now synonymous with “terrorist”.

I’ll always have a soft spot in my heart for Merkel after her natural and completely understandable reaction to being groped by little Bush.

The “your” is the crowning turd on that pile of shit.

Well it would be a shame if there were refugees cheering for a team named in honor of a group of people that settled here from another country.


What I didn’t expect was for a man to push aside other people and point his finger in my face, demanding to know if I was a refugee.

I...I am not sure how to feel about this. Not a fan of Merkel and definitely not a fan of the conservative politics she stands for,’s kind of cool to see her on that cover?