
I agree. I think it’s great that she was willing to share this experience.the strange, secretive nature of the process really makes it difficult for a person to navigate their way through it, at every level (administrative, psychological, physical, etc.). I have had a few abortion experiences in my life. One myself

This is the only thing I’ve ever had what one might call a “spiritual crisis” about.

I had an abortion in Michigan about four years ago, through Planned Parenthood. They gave me the paperwork about a week out from the procedure because of scheduling issues (could only happen on certain days, booked up for the first ones I was eligible for and the waiting period kept me from going to an open

They ARE wonderful. They're the first on the scene any time we have protestors at any of the Detroit area clinics.

The Satanic Temple: Doing God’s Work!

Next obvious question: so how can you tell which tourists are Muslim? I guess Jeb Bush will have to screen them all. He thinks “he can just tell”. Jeb’s superpower: Islamadar, like gaydar, but for muslims.

you know its been a weird day when linds drops in with the reasonable take

guys i can’t read this about Jeb! but i think they lifted the plot from this tweet, which will make me laugh forever:

No, I'm good.

I see your Jeb Bush drawing an I up you a Stephen Harper painting.

It is generally agreed that the ethos of keeping salary information secret in any business is primarily for the benefit of the employers to the detriment if the employees.

Probably means it wasn’t a very effective joke then. Guess we’re just humorless bitches.

The medical community disagrees with you.


This is the real war on Christmas.

“Seems like a nice young man!” was my actual thought. I’m 25. Jesus.

That’s definitely enough internet for me today. Please excuse me while I go vomit.

Exactly. You donate your organs to medicine, you do not bestow them on an individual of your druthers.

it’s not as if deceased donors of either organs or tissues have a say in deciding what kind of person is a deserving recipient.