  • Josh Hartnett, inching ever closer to death, is now a father. [ONTD]

So, this is what feminism at Jezebel has come to?

Seriously lol-ing at the thought of someone being like, “Jar Jar Binks just speaks to me, you know?”

I get that the mum is being pushy here, but I still find the situation weird. When I moved out to go to school, I suddenly appreciated my parents WAY more. They did my laundry! They cooked things! They drove me places! Suddenly all the things they did for me were put into real perspective because that shit is hard.

“The whole thing felt very off the books”

You just know he’s going to end up on the Browns

Hahahaha only drunk on lost love. I will be real drunk very soon though once I finish up at work.

He’s hot.

I've never hate-fucked someone before and I feel like this would be a good place to start.

I’d say yes, but not because the beard makes the difference. It’d be more to see what the heck someone like Paul Ryan might be like in bed. It’s been a LOOOONG time since I’ve had sex with someone so outwardly uptight as he seems to be, and that sometimes can go in an interesting direction once you get them in bed (or

Like, I grew a beard, and my now-long-term GF, who I’d known for several years at that point, began hitting on me pretty damn soon after that.

I was gonna say that we don’t talk about “bomb control” because we do bomb control.

For the record, that’s me.

I am started to wonder why I am even still surprised by what republicans say. Americans how do you deal with this?

guys hes not wrong

Oh. I thought you were talking about Mr. Worldwide.

-Jack Handey

Thank you. I have found happiness.