
I think the question is really: Who is left?

Frankly, I’m offended that someone described Trump as a mensch!

Holy shit. So I think Hef is problematic for a number of reasons but I really love them featuring a woman of her age. Which is transgressive and awesome. So conflicting feels.

He’s pushing 70, eats poorly and doesn’t exercise. “Perfection.”

A guy in his 50s (i don’t know how old he is, will not google) who eats poorly & doesn’t exercise? Yeah, I’m sure it’s perfection.

Theyre giving the future victims guns! that should solve it right?

That's cool, why not? Anyone who passes the required training should be able to do the real thing

This is horrible! Woman are going to start menstruating all over the place and no one will no if they’ve been shot or if it’s just that time of the month. We’re going to lose all the wars now, you realize this, don’t you?

I think that was Ellie, and I too applaud her

Thumbs up, Anna.

People are idiots. Court ruled that trial judge misapplied the law. There is no double jeopardy issue. This was an appealable issue on a point of law and the prosecution won.

This is where my black ass gets to spend Christmas with my white in laws. Pass the bottle.

Welp, I’m done for today. It’s time to begin the heavy drinking portion of the evening.

Cops only have your best interests at heart. You can trust a cop’s word.

Oh god, hahahahahahaha. “The floor was hot lava.” Hahahahaha. Are fraternities supposed to be kindergardens or what?

If you are being held against your will.. BLINK TWICE!

I’m safe. I’m an engineer, my part is to stay out of the way. Little worried for the doctors and nurses.

Pretty sure my ovaries just imploded.

Just became a dad two months ago, and nobody told me that I would actually feel my heart melt (like jumping off a very high diving board)whenever I look at little infants. Like, if I could scoop up and cuddle every infant on the planet right now, I would.

Does this also work on internet trolls?