
Cop here. So let me get this straight...the five shot snub nose revolver I will conceal in my pocket (that isn’t terribly accurate outside of 7 yards) is the one piece of equipment that will stop the terrorists (packing bombs and automatic weapons?


“... since I haven’t shaved in five days and my hair is a mess. I’ve been on a beach for five days.”

He was allowed to cancel the flight with no penalties. How generous.

Wrong side of the life spectrum.

The science isn’t in on climate change OR car physics. #StayWoke

“Side friend?” Is that Creole for “mistress?”

They should keep selling it but donate $850 per sweater to a food bank up north. That’ll buy about 8.5 jugs of milk.

I’d like every single piece of shit who claimed this guy was “saving babies” to look into the eyes of these people’s children and tell them their parents died for a good cause.

Dear Republicans and conservatives:

If this guy is a protestor, Carly Fiorina is a presidential candidate.

So I’m guessing Fiorina stands with those who protested entertainment in Paris a few weeks back.

let me get this straight:

From Carly Fiorina’s Facebook page:

Stop demonizing Boko Haram for kidnapping girls just because you disagree with the messenger!

Let’s hope.

Holy Mother of God: We've reached peak insanity/fuckery.