
I know that Gawker now wants to cover politics but I also know that all of us readers of Jezebel prefer to read about shity GOP candidates not even reacting to this shooting at The Slot.

“Especially for those (of) us in the pro-life movement”

Mary-Kate Olsen looks like a tiny French child next to her new husband and his daughter.

Hello no haters please and thank you

All the Republicans who have spent the last six months excoriating Planned Parenthood as a place of evil while promoting a sick gun culture have blood on their hands.

Reporter: Do you have any defense for your involvement in these incidents?

“There is no war on women in this country!”

this is what happens when your co-workers remind you that despite all your conservative antics, they still see you as just a black person like the rest of us. all her appeals to the religious right, the gun lobby, and other conservative causes won’t save her from racism. BLOOP!

Bella’s face say’s everything. EVERYTHING.

This one time, I went to my favorite news and gossip sites, and they were completely covered in ads! No seriously, top to bottom, ads! Very disappointing.

I am sort of used to his douchery, so I wasn’t really expecting people to get all Team Bimbo B. on me. Thanks for your kind words. I know that whole relationship was just me storing up karma points to redeem for a good boyfriend when the time is right. :)

Oh boy, i’ve got a doozy.

You’re doing God’s work on this site today, I’ve noticed. I hope you get a chance to relax!


Dear Mr. Shrayber,

Mark you never, ever disappoint.

The possibilities...I wonder if I could cultivate some of this yeast to brew an IPA.

This is a sad, not funny story, but Thanksgiving is always a little bittersweet for me because it was the holiday I realized my first marriage was over.

Last year my brother’s fiance’s daughter’s boyfriend declared Natives a “pestilence”.