
Mark would have twitter war with Trumpo and would win by a landslide

This kind of crap comes out of that kind of mouth.

You’re going to be missed here and a gift to wherever you land.

The Slot is a hell of a legacy. Thank you.

“Congrats on the dong?” should be the response for all dick pics from now on.

President Obama Belly Tattoo looks shocked. President Obama Belly Tattoo has seen things that no Belly Tattoo President should see.

Now playing

Am I the only person who thought that Usher looks painfully thin in this photo? I am not sure that you are supposed to be able to see the veins on a person’s torso unless they are a competitive bodybuilder taking all kinds of funky supplements. There’s such a thing as too ripped.


Those towels are perfectly hung.

Man, I never thought I’d find a collective as aggressively stupid as the Jameis Winston apologists, but the Johnny Manziel Fan Club is giving those nimrods a run.

This old video was shot in the present and features the Future. #mindblown

Easily the best defense a Brown has given all year.

Joe Jonas: “I’ve accidentally gone to gay clubs before!”

“All Lives Matter”

Way to kill my dreams of Post-apocalyptic America.

“France’s 9/11”.


Okay, buddy. Sure they were.

I just want to know WTF the purpose of a short-sleeved hoodie is. Almost as mind bending as a vest.