
This scene was like a video dictionary entry for fremdschämen.

OMG! A girl wore a bikini on a boat! I am shocked! Simply shocked!

I’m thirty and a professional food service person and it was just this very month that I figured out why they are called “soft drinks.”

You guys, I’m a pretty smart cookie. I have impeccable grammar and I won a lot of spelling bees as a child. I can do fractions in my head, and I speak three languages.

I always see huge trucks around from a company called Kane and their slogan emblazoned on the side is “Kane is Able!”

In the 70s, I had the Barbie-sized Leia doll. Then my brother took down her hair donuts, and I could never get them to look right after that. Needles to say, his Steve Austin doll met a horrible end involving our creek and some rocks.

This makes me so happy. I’ve been wearing my hair natural for 3 years now and my ‘fro is AMAZING.

Can someone explain to my why the hell they are getting this question to begin with? What is the point of it? We all know Hitler is a fixed point in time and can’t be changed (though I wish that episode could be. Not my favorite).

Amazingly, the New Yorker posted this yesterday.

“OK, pro-Hitler.” I’m in love.

Randi is coming for your job, bro.

Wear a skinny scarf or I may just barf?

Sometimes exes of divorcing spouses find comfort in each other. As hard as it is to get used to Blake/Gwen, Miranda/Gavin would blow them away in the “Wut” department. (but I guess the nanny ruins that fantasy)

She was reading Citizen on purpose.

I went to school with her! She was most definitely NOT paid to be there, she did however *ignore* the speech and continue to read Citizen very blatantly- on purpose.

I wonder if her presence was a passive-aggressive protest.

Possibly paid, or possibly given the ticket (maybe by her employer, depending on who she works for since many people in Springfield work in government/politics in one way, shape, or form), and she just took it to get out of work. I’m not saying I’ve done that before, but maybe I have (like when Pres. Bush was in

She looks like another victim of The Great Fucks Famine of 2015.

Not only are they not reacting but if you look again it’s a perfect mixture of ethnicities - that can’t be a natural occurrence.

The end killed me! The hair flip/shoulder shrug/bitch BYE execution was perfection.