
THIS^^^^^ all of this!

The Civil Rights movement’s victories were based on struggle and conflict — economic, legal, and social — not just conversation. People were beaten and people were murdered as they strove to secure those rights. They didn’t convince bigots, racists, and segregationists they were wrong, they fought them and were fought

We look at isolated incidents such as Heineken’s ad and think “We’re improving!” without actually doing any of the real work to improve. Heineken wants to promote diversity and bipartisanship with a surface level social experiment that misses the real problem altogether. Case in point, we’re totally cool with

I am perfectly cool with engaging and talking with people who hold absolutely batshit insane positions that deny science, say that trans people aren’t human, or that women should be subservient to men.

No, it allowed a transphobic guy to pat himself on the back for being able to be polite to one of the “awful creatures* before going home and doing the exact same shit he was doing before. It did not reduce transphobia by any people and in fact just gave those who already use the ‘I’m not transphobic, I spoke to one

“Can you imagine if the ad had a racist guy and a black guy?”

Screw it, this is now a Jezzie hair thread! ♥

I saw the ad. If it was me? I would have left the anti trans bigot at the bar by himself. I am not sitting down and smiling with a guy that thinks I shouldn’t exist. I don’t have to pander to some bigots feelings either.

Omg much love to you too! Enjoy your Friday~~~~~

YES that false equivalent shit. Drove me bananas after the election -- maybe we need to sit and listen to trump supporters, find out what they’re feeling and what they’re really angry about. BITCHES VOTED FOR A RACIST I THINK I KNOW WHAT THEY’RE FEELING JUST FINE.

I don’t even know how to process this post. Though, yesterday I did consider chopping 12 inches off my hair.

Fuck, I love you guys.

I reacted to this story in much the same way as the Frelee the Banana Girl saga, in that I don’t understand who any of these people are or what is happening, but I can’t stop reading.

/looks in mirror

Who the fuck ARE these people?!

Excuse me while I snort my birth control off my desk.

So you’re saying that hosting the Oscars with him made her turn to drugs? Makes sense to me.

I heard her image appeared to three kids on Olvera Street and told them to watch her show.

Watching her get eaten by her own is my current catharsis.

If it makes her feel any better, I’m pretty sure no one over the age of 18 sees Kendall (or any Kardashian) as a “glamorous, sophisticated, jet-setting woman.”