
There were no surprises, I guess. We’ve known for weeks that the GOP was going to force Gorsuch’s confirmation, we knew Democrats were going to filibuster, and we knew the GOP would use the “nuclear option” if they had to. Everything happened as expected, so I guess it’s not a priority.

This might be too heavy for dirtbag but I get the lilo religious thing. I’m a drug addict and you’re life for so long is all about drugs, it’s your only love and obsession. Once it’s over, you kind of don’t know what to do with yourself. The one thing that mattered is gone. So you find religion or a guy or whatever.

I fucking love goats

“For my immigrant family, especially, Payless was the most affordable option growing up, no matter how embarrassing it felt to not be wearing name brands.”

Take your star and go

Maybe the cheerleaders did something completely disgusting and amoral, like going to a restaurant with a married man.

Rumor has it the cheerleaders were also part of a pyramid scheme.

The combination of genes she had put her at over 80% chance of developing cancer. She has access to the best doctors in the world, together they decided on “the nuclear option”. Are you saying they were wrong? Or that you think the decision was made lightly? Based on what, exactly?

You are judging, so don’t try to pretend you’re not. And judging a celebrity is one thing, but you judge every other person who makes the same choice, and believe me, there are a lot of us. People who have had to make the same difficult choice will read what you wrote, and be hurt by it.

I feel you. I have a PALB-2 mutation, which puts me at high risk for breast and pancreatic cancer. I’m probably going to have a preventative mastectomy, mostly because my kids are still toddlers and I want do what’s in my power to be there for them for a long time. I’m not interested in twice a year screenings that

As someone with this gene who has been medically advised by all medical experts (not a movie star) to take the “nuclear option”... Sorry, did you think that being told at 30 that you should probably lose your breasts and ovaries if you want better odds of staying alive is not scary? Because it’s effing terrifying. Oh,

Her mother died of ovarian cancer, at a fairly young age. 7 other relatives died of breast or ovarian cancer .(Her mother, grandmother and great grandmother all died of ovarian cancer.) So I think that makes her health “scares” pretty freaking real with such a strong maternal cancer line.

For Gwynnie’s abs you would need a fifth item, the genetics that make it all possible and sixth being born and raised in a family that could ensure the life she had.

I was at that Auckland Adele show (2 nights ago; different time zone) as she, drenched in rain, told us we would likely never see her again, and while I am broken hearted I am so grateful for her bravery and resilience in battling through all that fear and anxiety to allow us to hear her. We were all crying at the end.

From my research at the time (I was also obsessed with somehow getting into the Cash Cab), what got shown on air was half actual spontaneous street-hails, and half semi-auditioned.

Yeah that seems like a really strange go to for a white supremacist. “I’ll put all those subhuman scum in place with my vast knowledge of musical theater!”

So You Think You Can Govern?

The Art of the Deely

That’s because women are human beings just like men, and human beings can be awful and depraved. So-called benevolent sexism/paternalism at work in the thinking that women are like children or something and therefore not capable of even the horrible things that men are more frequently thought of doing because their