

Am I filled with.....a feeling...of....comradery and....respect for Megyn Kelly....a Fox News Anchor who has said horrible things? I AM SO CONFUSED...

IT IS FINALLY HERE!!!! You have made this Monday TRULY great!

ooh or a Princess Di-style wedding gown!

You know what my bet is? They seem to be having such poor lady turnout that they are hoping that if the press dresses in “RNC attendee-style” attire they can downplay the fact that half the crowd is just media and pretend they have actually attracted female voters. Plus obvious sexism of course toward professional


This comment is everything to me because it is just so, so, so true. I have people from my hometown calling Hillary all sorts of horrible things because they are Trump fans and then I have some family and friends calling Hillary a whole other set of horrible things because they are Bernie fans. You feel there is no

I am getting ALL verklempt up in my office

YES THIS - I have a partner who works with classified information and he said that sometimes you can even see classified information IN THE NEWS because its common knowledge, but you might not be able to send information about that common news story as an official of the government to people without a clearance

My coworker popped in to burst my happy bubble and say that he didn’t think it would be that great, I literally pushed him out of my office with the door and locked him out. Spoil sport!

Me at my desk right now

Done annnndddd done :-)

I.....I need to see the CBS movie....the fact that my frantic internet searching has not yet turned up the whole thing is sending me into a deep, deep depression....

I recently just found out you pronounce it “bay” like a bay window. I had seen it online and was just assuming it was B.A.E. like the United Arab Emirates. And then I looked over and wondered why the hell those kids were on my lawn! ;-)

Really?!?! He is at my yard ALL THE FREAKING TIME - I wish we could trade cats because I’d send him to your yard ;-) :-D

True, true - in that case their house cured salmon will also do the trick :-D OH and I forgot to mention that they make honest to goodness bialys....I may have to leave work early now just to go carb up, all this is making me hungry! ;-)

Words that will change your life - Pastrami, Egg, and Cheese on an Everything Bagel :-D

Fellow DC-er - I really like Bullfrog Bagels if you need a bagel fix! Their homemade cream cheeses are especially tasty :) Not quite NYC but light year’s better than the Kaiser Rolls with holes in the middle you get elsewhere ;-) :-D

You know you have a real problem when you question the validity of your decade-long relationship when you realize your partner is....DUN DUN DUN.....a TUBBS APOLOGIST

SVU scene for the win! :-D