
I really appreciate James Franco's very deep and postmodern take on pranking, fame and paparazzi. It is really important work that combines performance art, public spectacle, and a wry, thoughtful commentary on social media. Actually, I think if he gets any more pretentious his head will be stuck permanently up his

Look, if you've ever been under the tyrannical reign of a high school marching band director who is just really fed up with your shit, you stupid idiots, and who got into this because he genuinely loved music in college and thought he could pass that joy on but now all you scum-sucking assholes can't even nail your

you mad bro?

Yeah, way smarter than that little shit head that thought he was safe talking shit to a guy twice his size because he had a helmet on. Deadly accurate upper cut that landed square on his jaw. Nice work, big man.

Outta My Face, yo! Kablam!

"You can tell he's smart because he punched the guy who was wearing a helmet."

Looks like he punched him in the chin, under the helmet. You can tell he's smart because that's really your only good option when the guy is wearing a helmet.

Woody Hayes taught Clemson the upper cut many moons ago.

I'm not sure how familiar Mr. Burke is with helmet design or what's actually going on in the GIF he posted, but implying that Battle is an idiot for punching a guy with a helmet on is somewhat ironic considering an uppercut to an unprotected chin is about the only effective way *to* punch a guy with a helmet on.

I still have the game on Tivo. I can rewind it and get the exact screen shot any time you want and you will see he is out. Here it is. Taking the picture with my iPhone while Tivo is paused when he hits the line. And keep in mind, the official was closer than this camera.

Jerk. Doesn't he know that's only allowed in the SEC?

You can tell he's smart because he punched the guy who was wearing a helmet.

Judge from the Mayweather fight: "I don't know....I'm going with a tie"

He may have punched a guy wearing a helmet, but he still knocked him on his ass.

Looks out to least close enough that this shouldn't be considered a 'blown' call. To be fair, the official was behind the runner starting straight down the line and photo/video evidence from that angle does not exist.

I just wanna Say Jesse Palmer is an Idiot Douchebag. That is all Good Night America!!!!

Am I wrong or right that around 0:45-0:46 he steps on the line (or maybe slightly after)? It's hard to pinpoint the exact time with this video player, but his right foot hits the white.

Who want's to get some popcorn and watch the comments with me?

Ndamukong Suh: The Wonder Years