Ginger McFlea

I want this to be an origin story of Lockhart/Gardner. Diane. Will. Lots of scotch and dancing. No Florricks.

"We haven't even had sex; just light handplay". Just a normal brother-sister conversation for this show.
I haven't watched JTV for a while - the underworld/murder stuff became too much for me - but I'm glad I was pulled back in for this great finale. The wedding was beautiful. The twin/coma bit is inspired (although,

Don't think about it too hard, too too hard.

Greg ftw with everyone. That man is gorgeous.

"One of Us" performed by Joan Osborne could be added to this list - a fairly impressive one hit wonder.


Peep Show series 9, episode 3. "Threeism". Somehow, 12 years after it first started and three years since the last fairly forgettable series, Peep Show stormed back with a drop-dead classic episode. A dinner party complete with blue eyeshadow, a Moroccan theme and genital Jenga. A "freak-show sideshow at the

Peep Show's "Seasonal Beatings" wasn't a Christmas special. It was a Christmas- themed episode shown in the usual 6-episode series line up and it coincided, happily (or unhappily, in this instance) with Christmas Eve. That said, it should definitely be watched, because it's great.

Peep Show's ninth season has so far been well worth the wait. That dinner party scene in episode 3 was a highlight capped by Mark with blue eyeshadow and describing everything as Moroccan.

"He's on Linkedin, Lemon. He might as well be dead."

I wasn't keen on the Britney guest spot. It seemed like a distracting misstep alongside an ensemble of great actors who are much more talented. I thought it wasn't a very fluid episode overall but with some important plot progressions. The flashbacks were good and I adore Petra and her sort of friendship with Jane.

Such a stunningly beautiful and talented woman. She had an eye for great roles and played them with amazing strength and humor. I'm especially fond of The Quiet Man and The Parent Trap where she (quite rightly) stole every scene in which she appeared.

What a career. And what joy and gratefulness coming through her words. I can remember watching Taxi as a (very small) child and not understanding most of it, but waiting for Latka and Simka because they were so funny and sweet. A lovely Random Roles.

#teamRafael after Michael's last smug and extremely patronizing speech. There was too much going on, most of which went nowhere in the end (Petra's pregnancy aside) but it was still a thoroughly enjoyable episode. I could do without the Scott and Lachlan stuff and I don't know what they're doing with Luisa's character

I'm glad you said it first and I'll join you wallowing in the shallow pool. He certainly did look good and all they had to do was show off the forearms… In our defense, everyone was looking pretty good last night. Including Gina whose new PR hairdo is a vast improvement on last season.

It got a 'B' - I don't think that's the sign of a reviewer who clearly doesn't like the show and is biased against it. And the reviewer is certainly not alone in thinking its not back on form. Also, the episode title was originally Grunt and then changed to Bond. Don't know why but I'd imagine it's being referred to

It was only shot that way because it made sense for the storyline, you understand. Definitely not because of anything else.

If you don't particularly like cringe humor and you've watched the first three episodes of Review, including the episode generally declared to be the best, I think you can definitely bail. I doubt it will grow on you. I loved Review but can appreciate it's not for everyone.

"You have thirteen hours in which to solve the labyrinth, before your baby brother becomes one of us… forever."