Ginger McFlea

I was just so grateful that the screenwriters didn't make me watch Anne Hathaway and Robert De Niro make out that I didn't really notice the other flaws. But, yeah, that marriage looked rough.

Have you heard the Marc Maron WTF podcast with Alison Brie and Betty Gilpin, recorded a couple of weeks ago? Plenty of very funny behind the scenes GLOW talk. It's a good listen.

Sure - time travel sounds fun but can he top his outstanding guest hosting of The Late, Late Show?

Season 9 wasn't perfect but Mark in blue eyeshadow serving up baked beans and lettuce as Moroccan food was something I didn't know I needed to see.

I feel bad that I already forgot that Catastrophe and Love were a thing. Too much tv!

I really missed Playing House this year despite all the other great shows on. Looking forward to it being back on our screens.

Also - amazed they made the decision to include Porchey in the series given the level of rumours about him, Andrew etc. Will be very interesting to see where they take this…

I loved this episode. Possibly my favourite so far. The ending (I thought it was fairly clear that Clementine ordered the destruction of the painting) was very powerful. And the quietness of the dinner party at Downing Street was touching in a way I wouldn't have expected. The Churchills' marriage is a treat to watch

Captain Darling - Blackadder Goes Forth

A stunning video too. Wow.

I was a fan but the wildly inconsistent characterisation and plots from week to week wore thin quickly. There's no established attribute or plot point this show won't trade for the sake of a good one-liner. But at its peak (which obviously coincided with Adam Pally, and Chris Messina before he decided this was best as

The X-Files. I stop at "Je Souhaite" (penultimate episode, Season 7). Genie story was good. Scully is a believer. Missing sister stuff pretty much dealt with. Well, as much as it ever will be. Curled up on the couch together. A good ending.

Oh Colin. I feel very bad for whatever financial misfortune has forced this upon you. You're clearly a 78-year old man based on this trailer and look mortified to have stumbled into a film set where everyone keeps pretending you're 45 and that there is a remote possibility you have impregnated a menopausal women. This

Slightly disappointing to see this, although I'll probably still read it. I always appreciate a new Anne Tyler book. That said it's the older ones I tend to go back to reread - Breathing Lessons, Accidental Tourist, Saint Maybe, etc. I don't think any of the ones she's written in the last 10 years would be considered

Like many of you I was always quick to spot an E.Buzz post because of the wisdom, humour and openness he brought to his writing. We only exchanged posts directly once - over depression - but I always noticed him about and admired his love and knowledge of music and culture, his kindness towards others and his way with

Yes but with a bigger afro.

He calls it garfunkeling.

Cocktail with Tom Cruise. Stick with me here. The movie was awful but the soundtrack was everywhere. I was 13 and it was one of the first albums I bought myself. And while, yes, this did mean that my parents had to listen to Kokomo more than any person should have to endure, through this I found out that the Beach Boys

Ugh. Pass.