Ginger McFlea

That was great. So much fun and warmth and intrigue packed into one episode. And with a reasonably realistic birth scene too! Oh and that naming announcement scene was gorgeous. Finally a mention of Xo's father/Alba's husband.
I picked it would be a boy but was sure 1. The phone call from the clinic would reveal the

That was… irritating and a bit pointless? The voice thing was incredibly annoying to listen to. The fake Will was laughable. And there was far too much Grace. But most importantly, for a device/filler episode what did we learn that we didn't already know? It wasn't revealing. We've always been privy to what Alicia is

Genuinely - which other shows do you think have similar consistency and logic problems? I don't think I've encountered this before on a weekly basis! In my experience sometimes shows have one plot line that doesn't fit quite right or the odd episode that is off, but this is fairly jarring with logic gaps and

I can't think of any other show I've watched that suffers from such poor continuity and character inconsistency. I think it does matter as it regularly takes me, as a viewer, out of the episode and reduces the comedy. If it was a sketch show, it wouldn't matter. But this show tries to make us care about the characters

Thanks. You might be right. I'd still suggest, however, that its the kind of detail that the show often doesn't make clear (I've read several other reviews over the past few weeks lamenting the character's decision to leave it early so I'm not the only one confused about how that story line ended).

Really struggling to find something to say about this show lately. This was fine I guess. Some good one liners. But the show doesn't need yet another character they don't know what to do with - there are at least 4 of those already plus several who they moved on. Dr B's major purpose for existing seems to be moving

John Cleese on Cheers - for which he won an Emmy.

A great guest star - And that was the last Fast Show ever. "Suits you sir!"

Danny is a jerk a significant amount of the time. I had always thought it was a plot point that would get resolved.i.e. He would get called out on it. Now I'm resigning myself to the fact they're playing it as sweet and romantic. It's disappointing.

This stuff just writes itself.

That this website doesn't use copy editors for TV reviews?

I want to like Jeremy (and I like the actor) but they've much such a mess of his character he no longer makes sense. It seems like they've just given up on him as he has no story lines any more. He's as much of a background character as Beverly but they obviously pay him too much to just give him one line per episode,

The setting up of a new practice in NY makes no sense to me either given they already own a practice. I'm also a bit disappointed that the show didn't take the opportunity to move to San Francisco and ditch some parts of the show that continue to be problematic - *cough* Jeremy.
The Danny dying/leaving mixup wasn't the

"I clean this too, or just the sex?"

I think we should start a campaign to slash the costume budget for this show. There is no need whatsoever for Rafael (and several others) to wear shirts as often as they do.

Oh this was a fun episode! And definitely an A.
Forlorn Rogelio is so perfect - "Dad. You're locked into Dad now". But the best bit was his truly honest and surprisingly open declaration of his feelings for Xo.
Luisa is a fabulous character; focusing on the backstory from her perspective was well overdue. And I loved

Leave Blackadder alone. That's a threat.


Zimbabwe look to be on fire in today's game and they're certainly peaking at the right time. It'll be nice to have some upsets over the next few weeks (ideally at SA and Australia's expense…).

My snide mocking comes not from a fear or concern that a reverse test would prove that the movie industry, as a collective, privileges the female voice.
But, rather, given everything we know about the movie industry and sexism already (and I assume that anyone engaging on a pop culture website is not new to that