Ginger McFlea

Cricket World Cup! So much glorious cricket. No time for anything else pop culture wise. And 6 more weeks of it to look forward to.

This isn't about gender parity for equally low standards for characterization and story telling. It isn't about "their movies" or "one demographic's movies" (ugh). It's about observing how prevalent and dominating the male voice is in our culture. And yes, I'm an "interested party" as is, I would hope, anyone who has

Absolutely. I opened this thread with considerable trepidation and was pleasantly surprised by the discussion.

I don't think it's just a sour note at the end of this episode. I think it's a strand running throughout. Danny is a poor boyfriend a significant amount of the time. I keep waiting for the show to call him out on it. But its continually shown to be "romantic" when he belatedly makes a grand gesture. I still have a

It's not new. The term shipping (in this context) has been around since 1996 when X Files fans started using it on Internet sites.

A "choose your own adventure" TV series you can control with your remote. I can see that working.

Well sure. Because of the strongest tool at her disposal. Her sexuality.

Ewww. Nobody's for Joey and Rachel.

Definitely worth continuing with but you don't need to do all 80+ episodes. I felt the same as you so this is what I did: Check out the AV Club primer on the show. It has the best episodes. And then read the TV reviews if you want a few more. Season 2 is great. There are probably 8 -10 essential/brilliant episodes.

Talking about Baz Luhrmann and musical drama without mentioning Strictly Ballroom should be a dismissal offence. "You're just like the rest of them! You think you're different, but you're not, because you're just, you're just really scared! You're really scared to give someone new a go, because you think, you know,

It was shown in "Who got Dee pregnant?" (it was busy which was why Dee had to clean up in the men's bathroom).

I enjoyed this episode. Usual trepidation about pregnancy plot lines but I'm pleased The Mindy Project is moving things ahead for Dr L and not trying to keep it standing still for the sake of the ensemble. It actually feels a little like they're trying a reboot. I wonder if they'll ditch the bits not working (Jeremy's

Was it when Danny was in hospital? Peter convinced Danny not to make a big deal over the sextape talking about how Mindy might even be in love with "the practice" (aka Danny). That's the only example I can think of.

There were so many great moments of humor in this episode as well as the increase in drama and momentum. Jamie Camil is superb.
And, most importantly, both Rafael and Michael wore great tight-fitting shirts tonight. Bravo.

I think that was Under the Mountain based on the Maurice Gee book. Terrifying stuff.

Pfff. That's nothing. I LOVE Muppets take Manhattan. Oh wait - I still win.

You could be right. Also we're talking about New Zealand here - a couple of years' delay in movie releases wasn't entirely unheard of. Once they'd finished shopping it around the rest of the world it finally ended up down our way.

Oh god, yes. I remember I won tickets to a showing of Dot and the Kangaroo - as a result of some coloring competition. I'm not sure how this fits in with the movie dates as this would have been early 1980s and the movie is 1977, but who knows. What I do remember was that it was bizarre, frightening and made little to

"You’re not even an actor - You’re a haircut."

Is it possible that Lachlan = Sin Rostro?