Ginger McFlea

I really liked Xiomara's response to Rafael's point that she didn't know his character and how he sees the world - "No I don't. But I know you see it from up here". The money and class discussions in this, otherwise fairly average episide, were good. A bit light on laughs but the Kanye West line was perfect from

This article explains why I have vivid memories of watching Square Pegs (and loving it), but can't recall a single plot point. Doesn't sound like the writing was a major focus. I had no idea about the drugs circling the show. I've always given SJP a pass after this though. She was so effortlessly cute and funny -

"I was a 5 star man before the Internet. And I'm damn sure a 5 star man now". So many good lines in this one. I loved the way the DENNIS system fell away with Mac and Charlie explaining it to the women. "He's engaging you physically". "Don't label it".

Anticipating Square Pegs and receiving Kitchen Confidential instead is just cruel.

Michael might be a bit dull but Rafael's answer to why the cash, passport, phone etc were stored and then disappeared was far from convincing. I'm not entirely sure Rafael (as exciting and hot as he is) is being honest with Jane.

No golden globe for the wardrobe department tonight.

"I need this job. I drink for free and it's close to my gym". I love the light relief of the background bar staff/friends whose names I can't remember.

"I don't see it being used in this… fashion." "I'm not sure who's getting the benefit of that… action." Oh Teti's mom is just great. The thought of having a conversation like that with my mother, recorded, and then available on iTunes leaves me feeling very, very queasy. But I'm very glad John and his mom do this.

Thanks for the recommendation. I'm loving S5 (obviously - it's phenomenal) but knew there were a few plot strands I need to double back to fill in. Sounds like there's a few good ones in S4 I might have missed out on.

I started watching it only recently after putting it off for too long. I felt I'd missed the boat and there were too many episodes to catch up on. But the aclaim for it just got to me and I wanted a new drama to watch so I finally turned to it. And it's well worth it (in my opinion). I'm not watching it all - there's

I think (but stand to be corrected) that the original Chelsea Hotel was written by Cohen and his guitarist and performed live, but it was then significantly reworked (maybe by Cohen alone?) for album release, hence the "2".

I loved Listen without prejudice. Still do. Waiting for that day. Cowboys and Angels. Even Freedom 90. A great album. No follow up needed though.

I actually paid money and saw Leonard Part VI at the movies. I was 12 and it was the first time I had gone to the movies with just a friend, no parents. It possibly didn't bode well for my life choices that left to my own devices I opted for a Bill Cosby 'comedy'. To make matters worse I then lost my wallet at the

How you doing today? Many of us have been where you are - and still are there from time to time. I suspect we're of a similiar age, one where you find yourself looking back far too much and regretting what has and could have been. I've no advice because I've been stuck in that place for a while too and it's crappy.

Hey! You're my one and only follower (probably an error on your part, but I'll take it). You can't go anywhere.

"Awww….he thinks he's people."

Homer: "Aw, I have three kids and no money. Why can't I have no kids and three money?"

It did farce so well. The ski lodge episde was great, but I think my favourite (also a farce) episode was The Two Mrs Cranes when Daphne's ex from the UK comes round for dinner.

You're not alone. The editing on this show is fairly crappy.

So many great lines in that episode. "That's right, Mark, help the muggers…what do you want, approval?". "Hold your horses honey, I've got coupons for the Pringles."