Ginger McFlea

I got the dates wrong - the lawsuit was filed end of 2005 which I guess better accounts for the delay through the 2005/2006 years:…

I thought the reason for the delay was the lawsuit that Carter took against Fox late in 2002. That held things up for a year or two and then they lost a fair bit of momentum. Plus I got the impression that while Duchovny was all keen again by 2007 (after a few years without regular work) in 2002/03 his willing

I think you just have a little more confidence than I do that they could do this well. My confidence in Carter began to plummet from S7 onwards and without Bowman, Manners, Gilligan etc there to temper his worst impulses I just can't see he could pull it off. But a great movie and a great 13 part miniseries,

I think I'd be disappointed if they plumped for a movie - it seems like Carter would've still living in the past where that was the ultimate medium. A movie plus a mini series or a longer run miniseries would be problematic I think. I really think they could pull off a short run to tidy up lose ends, bring theband

Surprised to see Mulder's mother get a best recurring character nod. I always thought she was such a weak character (or maybe actor?). Especially contrasted with Scully's mother who was just brilliant. I always looked forward to Margarer Scully's scenes.

Yes. I forgot they were doing that. So, yes, no greatly innovative idea on my part - just copy 24.

I have thought about it too much. I don't really believe XF3 will happen, but I did think that instead of a movie a 6 part miniseries would work. Both Duchovny and Anderson seem to work better on the small screen. It's the dominant medium at the moment in this genre. And 6 parts would allow for some plot back in 2012,

Larry David - more Curb please. Louis CK would have been on my list too but he is forgiven now I see the new series is about to start.
Peep Show (UK) - no date for the 9th and last season yet… I know the creators have other things on the go, but they need to finish this one off please.
Yes, definitely Linklater.

I agree. It sits a little uncomfortably. After all it's not just 'inspired by', it's the real thing played for entertainment. I'd love to see Duchovny do something decent but I'm not sure he's picked the right one here.

Mr Plow.

As a resident of New Zealand your post was less than comforting. I always like to remind myself when we're being hit by earthquakes that Japan and California have it just as bad and yet seemingly sane people keep living in those places. We're not meant to be the example you think of for comfort! (Hope things have

The mountains are very nice, I'll give you that. Malaysia overall is stunning. I spent a week in Langkawi a few years ago. It was a very, very nice week.

What sort of paradise do you live in that Langkawi islands are just 'okay'?!

West Wing - that nightclub scene in Commencement with Angel playing is just unbelievably tense and so incredibly memorable. Is this your first time watching WW?

I've only watched a handful of episodes of HIMYM. It wasn't a show that appealed to me - I couldn't get past the Barney character to be honest - but this was an interesting and thoughtful piece about TV, serialization and the expectations and behavior of audiences. The How of it all is a point well made when I reflect

Oh Joanie Lovies Chachi. Was there ever a better TV show? The answer is clearly yes, but you would have had a hard time convincing me at the time it aired and I've had a soft spot for Scott Baio ever since. Looking forward to this Random Roles. Keep up the great work.

There are tons of modern classics, but as a child of the 1980s I was truly spoilt for choice in this area. The music from Hill Street Blues, M*A*S*H and Cheers are etched into my brain now, and I think would go down as some of the greatest tv intros ever, but as a 9 year old it would have been a hard fought race for

Nope. Love 30 Rock. Love the music elsewhere in the show. But the theme tune is irritating as hell.

Paul Henry was born David Brent. There is no slow turn about it.
I would say that the Paul Henry Show is every bit as bad as you imagine it to be except that I refuse to watch it to find out.