
lol. Blackberry.

Notice I said that we should all advocate for decent child care. I want that, not people arbitrarily bringing infants to conferences (which other people paid a lot to attend) or while they teach college classes (ditto on other people paying a lot of money)

Look, I love babies. I like moms (some of them). But if I was invited to speak in from of hundreds of people, do a book signing, and participate in an intense professional conference, I’d arrange for child care for the day. No, you can’t bring your baby to work, sorry. That includes adjunct teaching. Advocate for

Oh Jesus Christ. It was a joke about bad decisions, not that he can’t vote because he’s a felon. God forbid women took a man to task for some bullshit he said without considering the ways he’s disenfranchised. Here’s what’s: you say some fucked up shit about a group of people based on their race, class, gender

Why wouldn’t it be? They had a new medical procedure, and were (likely) describing its development to people in the future who knew how the story ends.

That gif is a little haunting, like we’re just about to find out why some psychopath has been murdering all the townsfolk descended from these doctors...

I read about this, this morning and I seriously was like...WHAT?!

His wife held him back from further injuring his boyfriend, whom he assaulted and shouted homophobic slurs at...?

Oh simmer down. It’s a totally normal thing because as a couple you are both excited to be having a baby *together*. A natural expression of their love and connection and all that. I always naturally said “we” though all 3 of my pregnancies; during pregnancies 2 and 3 the “we” included my other children as in “we, as

Her tweet, her body, her call, imo. If he said it, I’d feel differently.

... is it insensitive to go as a dead lion? Like. I’m genuinely asking this because I really don’t know where the line is anymore.

It’s not the job of this feature to educate readers about lupus—especially when Ms. Gomez doesn’t speak about it at length in what Billboard has released of the interview. She moves from lupus to her new album, so I moved from lupus to Bow Wow.

I’ll admit, I’m a fat girl. I never had stepped into a Lululemon before or after this interview. I actively requested that my friends not shop there after hearing reading about that interview. But when he says he was “honest” about thighs causing fabric problems, I have to call bullshit. I have a pair of Old Navy yoga

Easily the best thing to come out of Michael Ian Black’s mouth since Bradley Cooper.

Maybe that’s what we should start to push? 60% of parents of kids with autism DON’T think it was related to vaccines. Why aren’t we listening to the parents? University of Mom. Mom knowledge, etc. etc. Why listen to the (dumb) minority of parents?

By their own data, a majority (60%) of parents whose children have autism do not agree with the statement that vaccines were linked to their child’s autism. (You’d have to have a child with Autism to qualify for the resondent group for that question). So, they’re not just losing the arguement with the general public

In a recent study, over 40 percent of parents agree or strongly agree that vaccines played a part in the development of their children’s autism.”