
Yeah, she never said that she and her “white” friends brought it to prominence. Maybe chill out a bit on the defensiveness?

I have a strict “shitty tea needs milk” policy, but that doesn’t make me too much of a snob I think. A proper Darjeeling or nice white tea (I’ve been on a white tea kick) takes no milk, of course.

I don’t know, I am a Darjeeling kinda girl.

According to her she knew about him molesting his sisters and babysitter 2 years before even she married him. My sympathy is tempered by that. And the fact that she has two daughters, and those are the ones she should be protecting, not her pig of a husband.

As much as it delights me to see that hypocrite’s downfall, I feel horrible for her. She was raised believing that divorce isn’t even on the table, and that a wife must “submit” to her husband, literally and figuratively. That poor woman is trapped. It’s awful.

This is the wedding band. The engagement ring had a diamond approximately the size of a baby’s head.

If I ever get married again, can I have him check the prospective hubby out? Now that is a skill!

His reaction was so weird because he’s such a calm, carefree guy and yet when Jared would come on television my husband would always make some really negative comment about him.

Something like a decade or so ago my husband said he thought this guy was a “sicko”. Had no explanation for his admittedly irrational feelings but said Jared gave him major chills. Call it gut feelings, premonition or whatever but man was he right.

Yeah, I actually think there’s probably a pretty decent friendship underneath what sounds like a long-abandoned wreck of a romantic relationship. They care about all the same things, and it sounds like they can arrange their lives so they see each other no more frequently than good buddies. They wouldn’t be the first

Oh, no, I do. I think those two are best friends and each other’s favorite companion.

I always felt bad for finding him kinda creepy-looking. I thought, He seems like a perfectly nice guy. Why is he so off-putting to me? This is totally unfair.

i’m crying.

*hears the word dementia whispered in ear from the person next to me*

*whispers* dementia

I just walked into my bedroom, snuggled up next to my boyfriend and whispered:

What? No, surely only ugly people can have bad childhoods!

I think she had a pretty rough childhood though, her mum had a pretty raging heroin addiction if i recall

I feel kind of bad for laughing at “YOU’RE BREAKING MY AAAAAAAAAAAAARM!!!” out from the hallway.