
A bridal fair I went to a couple of months ago included diet pills in the free gift bags at the door. I found that pretty excessive.
I will say, though, that the pressure I've experienced has been less from the media (if you can believe it) than from the people around me. I can't tell you how often people have said

Gaaah, this song! I used to PvP on WoW to this song *all the time* years ago, and recently thought of it again but could not for the life of me remember the title, the band, or any identifiable lyrics. Thank you!

As a regular raider, not even hardcore (though until we downed Garrosh last night we were running 3-4 nights a week), I can't imagine even beginning to be part of a core raid team if I were a third as busy as Vin Diesel and Paul Walker must have been. Also, I didn't raid at all for the entirety of WotLK, but played a

....Is it just me or are people taking your comment seriously?

Aw, thanks!


All these stories have me genuinely creeped out but this is the first I'm commenting on because HOLY SHIT WTF.
