
A man who was paid handsomely without producing anything of value has nothing left to learn in Silicon Valley.

Hinkie had classes, but traded them for future classes and a guest speaker opportunity. He’s currently looking to swap the guest speaker slot for Starbucks gift cards and/or wi-fi passwords.

It’s all part of his Process to eventually become a professor at Stanford. He expects it to be complete by 2519.

it is scary that I have thought/said/written what you wrote, verbatim, many times over. My life is, overall, fucking great. But a part of me peaked in college.

Now that we’re here I don’t know what to look forward to anymore. All I know is that this is the Best Blog in Baseball.

I’m more than a decade removed from college. I have a good career and a great home life, but I sometimes worry that as the former editor of an award-winning student newspaper, I peaked in college.

Looking back on that time, and that previous sentence, the answer is really fucking clear. I’ll never be as important as I

therapy has helped a lot, and I’ve made sure the non-work aspects of my life are good and healthful

I remember the way you disrespected the alphabet, Tony, let’s talk about that.

Tony has no room to talk after all the slurs he’s directed at police officers.

Hey Tony, is driving drunk respectful of the country and its soldiers, ya fucking doofus?

I googled and now I know what you’re on about and I can surmise why your posts have been deleted. No room for victim-blaming bullshit.

It took a friend of mine two years to extricate herself from an abusive relationship with a live-in boyfriend. He was a happy-go-lucky, hippy-dippy type who she ultimately learned had a history of violent behavior.

I cut myself off four years ago, and backslid during that first season. After that, I made sure I scheduled my Sundays with something to do. If I was out and about, I felt much less compelled to drop in on a game. As a bonus, I’m a more active (and I think interesting) person as a result. Just keep trying. Find things

It would be hard to do either of those things to Greg Howard, since he left Deadspin months ago, you genius.

Very well-written and reported, a tip of the cap to you, Diana.

Yet another example of American Football Culture and how it not only turns a blind eye, but encourages it’s inhabitants to be violent, entitled man children, who believe they are above consequences because they play a child’s game. This will continue because the apologists for this culture continue to worry more about

Every once in a while stuff like this hits me or its brought to my attention that there are men and women out there in abusive relationships and they are so entirely broken as to believe that EVERYONE ELSE is in the same situation. I have a co-worker whose husband wouldn’t go with her to a breast cancer biopsy because

“The question I have is why everyone thinks the NFL needs to do something about this.”

Not true! It proved, once again, that the NFL doesn’t give a shit about their employees beating women.