
Yes, how dare the wealthy stand up for the poor!?

Next you’re going to scream how this is really just part of the communist movement right?

It always becomes a troop/police thing, and that says something frightening about the state of the US and the meaning of “Patriotism”. As I’ve said before, the military and police force serve the flag and anthem, not the other way around. It is literally nonsensical to equate not standing for the anthem with a slight

His goal was to bring attention to the issue. Despite a loud chorus of opposition from the usual suspects, he stayed firm and others joined in.

Ya, totally bro. I mean, why the hell do rich dudes get to have an opinion on something that impacts their entire community. Slap me five, and give me another Bud Light!

It’s weird to me that it became a troop thing. The flag and song represent a lot more than just troops. And it’s weirder that we can’t criticize the military. It’s a mixed bag like any organization, but we can’t say anything bad or try to cut funding (even if the Pentagon wants certain things cut). Is it just the

I will say this: I occasionally frequent a football-related website. The fan site itself might skew a little more liberal than you might expect, but what has been stunning is the amount of high-level discussion. Football fan boards are supposed to be one step removed from 4chan, and yet I’ve seen a steady, consistent


Does the North Carolina GOP realize just how hard it is to make Mark Emmert, and by extension the NCAA, look like the good guys?

As a resident, I’m confident the human makeup of this state is a social experiment. EVERY type of person lives here and there is no rhyme or reason as to where they’ll be.

It’s still important because not everyone actually can change their birth certificate. For people born in NC, NC requires that you undergo surgery, which is both very expensive and a personal decision that is not a necessary part of transition. If you’re living in NC but were born elsewhere, well, the rules about

Suddenly the NCGOP doesn’t seem to be a fan of the free market now that the market is telling them to go fuck themselves over this one.

Once the Nebraska GOP got so mad at Obama winning one electoral vote they gerrymandered Sarpy county away from Omaha, I knew this state was fucked. And then we we let Petey buy an election...

Hooray (when the) free market (works)!

Nebraska is dicking around with implementing these kinds of laws too, and all these legislators are full of bluster about how the NCAA can just deal with it, but it’s such bullshit, because no one is going to jeopardize Omaha hosting the College World Series. It's basically just a bunch of empty chest-beating that's

This is fucking flagrant disrespect by the NCAA toward our National Anthem. The NCAA hasn’t just canceled these events in North Carolina, they’ve canceled the playing of the National Anthem at these events in North Carolina as well. I’m not a member of the military but that is insanely hurtful to the many members of

I’m in NC, too. Completely concur. There is lots of noxious stuff in HB2, so we have it coming.

As an NC resident, I’m really glad to see this—NC was warned well in advance by both the NCAA and NBA (as well as a number of the states and businesses who have also withdrawn). The governor and legislature did nothing so I’m glad these weren’t just empty threats. Just a handful of bigots in the capitol can undo

And there goes all that money earmarked for genital-scanning bathroom robots.

Good luck on your next reelection campaign, McCrory, you stupid bigot.

You know, I’m starting to think the NFL isn’t taking this concussion thing seriously.