Great point. I was highlighting in the inequity in their relative positions but inadvertently reinforced the power dynamic.
Great point. I was highlighting in the inequity in their relative positions but inadvertently reinforced the power dynamic.
I don’t like Draymond Green. However he could get hit by a bus tomorrow while Ted lives for another 60 years and Ted would never approach Draymond’s career accomplishments.
Our government was always ripe for this kind of strongman takeover. It took TV and a reality game show host with a racist twitter account to do it, but it worked. It helps we built an incredibly stupid system that allows someone who received fewer votes than another candidate become President, but just because a…
He’s a freemarket capitalist (sometimes). But not when the free market means one kid can take his non-guaranteed scholarship from one place that doesn’t pay him to another one (that also doesn’t pay him).
“Don’t get me on politics.”
Look, Muschamp has time to provide insight on the media and anonymous sources and the goodness of D.J. Durkin’s soul...
Is it too much to ask that the state’s highest paid public employee at least pay lip service to the civic duties they and their “student-athletes” have? Like a 45 second speech? Completely apolitical and non-partisan? Hell, Pruitt has absolutely no excuse considering Micah Abernathy (Ralph’s grandson) is on his damn…
It’s not just southern football coaches, friend.
He was trying to show that it was safe to put people and things in harm’s way in a windstorm.
I’m sure he’s danced on other formal occasions, like at his asshole daughter’s wedding and what not. But that doesn’t really count as dancing. The father/daughter dance at any wedding is just organized walking.
Whatever. He’s just homeless-looking as a show of solidarity to Rocket Mortgage’s victims.
God. I had completely forgotten about that Cruz/Fiorina thing. Fucking hilarious.
Of course she did. There is no amount of abuse they wouldn’t take if it meant fucking the rest of us.
“He’s like, ‘Hah! That was the worst move he’s ever made.’”
Can you imagine how conflicted Gregggg’s feelings about Dan Snyder must have become after it was revealed he was literally pimping out Washington’s cheerleaders?
WWE has to hope that cognitive dissonance holds, because in spite of mounting public pressure, the promotion has not really changed course at all.
These “nice” republicans are advocating someone challenging in a primary their most popular-among-republican-voters politician since who? Reagan maybe? W. at the height of post-911/Iraq nationalism? They’re either delusion or stupid. Republican voters don’t like Jeff Flake or McCain or Romney or Bush I (certainly not)…
Has he ever been right about anything?
Whichever one completely lacks balls is Manchin.
Somebody’s take over the fake Maverick mantle from John McCain’s dead ass. All those Washington journalists are looking for a serious republican ass to kiss.