
If only some republican had the balls to oppose trump 17, or even, lord imagine, 18% of the time, he (because, of course, he) might even get 7% or 8% of the republican primary votes. I wonder what Joe Manchin is up to?

Oh, got it. Nice.

I’ve never felt older than I do right now. And it gets worse every day. 

I hate the democratic party more than most right-wingers. (I refuse to donate to DCCC or any other Washington-based “liberal” consortium.) Hell, why should right-wingers hate them? The national democrats are policy centrists and easy as hell to beat. Why the fuck do we (or did we) not fill these courts with true

Poor Juice went from swallowing a rope to pushing one. 

Regarding conservative media barfights: If you don’t count: (1) the ones they’re counting from when they complained to the manager because they didn’t get half off the appetizers they ordered at 6:04 or (2) the ones where they started crying real tears because one of their bros “crossed a line” when he made fun of him

I suppose I just don’t spend that much time thinking about Michigan, its football team, or its past or current coaches.

Just so we’re clear, you’re paying him to $5M to fuck-up his job one way or the other.

Is it me or is he LARPing Schembechler? The ill-fitting clothes, the goofy glasses? The big dumb footballman approach to everything?

I’ve refused to allow myself to be hopeful, but is there any chance that display helps sink his confirmation?

A smidgen less entitlement or a quarter-million dollars less of mysteriously repaid debt just in time for confirmation! 

I mean, if you go way back, then sure, there have been more fucked up times than not. But the whole point of the establishment of the Federalist Society (which now produces all of the republican-nominated federal judiciary) was that 20th century republican judicial nominees were doing this weird thing with the law.

That’s the thing for me. I’ve been an attorney long enough that my license is old enough to drive. And this confirmation process has broken my brain. I can’t imagine what women, particularly women who’ve been assaulted or harassed must be going through. What the fuck are we even doing this for? I feel like I’ve

This is an important point. Should he be seated, his term will outlast the President (and probably the next three); it will likely outlast almost all of the current members of Congress; and it will outlast a good chunk of the population. And, then, the decisions in which he participates right up until the day he dies

Your first paragraph is correct but the system has been gamed. Not only did fewer people vote for Trump than for the person he beat, but more people voted for democratic congressional candidates than republicans. We’re not a majority-rule country. 

It really takes a ground-up decades long movement that starts local with “inconsequential” offices. You have to change local and state governments along the way. The way Bush stole Florida in 2000 is that his surrogates controlled the state and local governments in a so-called purple state. (And they also controlled

I don’t know that majority-minority districts are always a good thing. In many cases, certain minorities are crammed into a single district (or two) rather than spread across 3 or 4 districts where they can affect all those seats. It’s how you end up with lilly-white assholes who would never be elected in a district

I really like the idea of “lifetime” federal judicial appointments. It worked well for a really long time. Only in the last 30 years (right along with the rise of the Federalist Society and the stark politicization of the courts) has it become the problem we all see now. Lifetime appointments were meant to take the

Listen to the audio. Third reporter is identified as “Trey Anastasio, Stillwater Tribune.”