Clearly the cars are fucking.
Clearly the cars are fucking.
Trey Anastasio really nailed that stupid fluffhead.
This sucks very much. But the scene couldn’t have played out better with opposing players giving him some love as he’s being carted off and flipping off his own sideline. They all know his contract situation. Honestly, it was good to see. They need more solidarity on all those kinds of things. Of all the major sports,…
Looks like someone has no idea what the black market cost of children’s blood is.
Feinstein fucking sucks and she was abysmal at the hearings. And she needs to go. Right along with every other 80+ motherfucker still serving in our government. But regarding the letter there is no right play there. However Feinstein handled it would’ve been exploited by the republicans. This is never about fairplay…
The only thing yesterday made me realize is we need mandatory retirement ages for Senators and Supreme Court Justices. (Oh, and also, Dr. Blasey Ford is definitely telling the truth.)
The first would-be Democratic presidential candidate for 2020 who vows to seek impeachment of Kavanaugh will have my full support.
I thought he was weepy and unhinged. Not captain material. Also a bit of a prima donna and lacked respect for the coaches and officials. We should suspend him and revoke his scholarship.
Don’t be so sure. Every rich fuck who’s killing it in the stock market and who loves his federal court picks is going to be more than willing than publicly wince at all his bullshit and vote for him again in 2020 anyway.
Trump probably preferred him over others because of his near-absolute view of executive power. Everyone else knew why they shouldn’t nominate him. They’re sticking with him now to own the libs. It’s not enough to win and get your way, you have to demoralize the opposition while also damaging the institution to fuck its…
Albert was right then and Albert’s right now. Once this shit started coming out, it was all about “owning the libs.” And the guys who made the decision to go with Kavanaugh in the beginning (Trump and Senate republican leaders) almost certainly knew it then. Trotting out the middle school girls’ hoopsters, Amy Chua’s…
Oh definitely. But (a) that was their thinking; and (b) in fairness, it would be way worse if it was them doing the questioning.
As Senator, I’d like to hire C.C. Sabathia to deliver my response to Lindsey Graham’s concerns regarding the Senate Judiciary confirmation process.
Of course he is. He was McCain’s little puppydog shadow. Act reasonable in public spaces to buddy up to the mainstream media and vote 98% of the time right along with the inhumane policies of the ghouls actually in charge.
Look, to be fair to Lindsey, you never know how many skeletons Merrick Garland was hiding in his closet. And Lindsey and Mitch saved everyone the embarrassment. Really makes you think.
Why has no one (or did no one) dig up Gorsuch’s senior yearbook and see how many of these bullshit harassment clubs Gorsuch was in?
I would love nothing more than to be wrong. But Trump is not ever going to jail. Nixon, Reagan, and W. were all criminals and the only thing that the republicans have learned is to be more brazen both in crimes and in denials, destroy evidence more thoroughly, surround yourself with those who are loyal to the death, an…
Look, they could have 5 Sonia Sotomayors and 4 RBGs on the Court and Trump still won’t “go to jail.” I know Kavanaugh’s revelation that he now thinks a sitting President is beyond criminal prosecution or civil suit but anyone who honestly thinks any American President (even Trump) would ever end up in jail at any…
Her other goal is to remain a woman for the entirety of asking the questions they want answered so the optics don’t suck.
Just imagine how poor Lindsey would feel if he had actually had to make a public fool of himself by trying their bullshit cross-examination himself. I get the vapors. Poor, poor Lindsey.