
Weird. Because I have a very difficult time believing that a bunch of wrestlers would accuse the Republican Speaker of the House of molesting them as children either. 

Not if their goal is “to own the libs” while rolling back whatever progress is left of the last 60 years. (And that’s their goal.)

I was surprised to learn that Mark Judge didn’t also have a t-shirt with Roger Goodell wearing a clown nose on top of his box of Superman comics.

That and as Normcore pointed out, there’s admission, contrition, and an attempt to improve on Barry’s part. Brett will deny this shit to the grave (partly because Maryland has no statute of limitations on sexual assault). 

FYI: Ken Paxton is a criminal and a none-too-smart one. No, really...not in the nebulous “all republicans are criminals” way. But he’s actually an admitted criminal (he admitted to Texas State Securities Board he failed to register as a securities dealer promoting investments) who’s been under state felony indictment

A pro golfer with a sportswriter dad gives Rick a boner the likes of which he can’t achieve unless he’s crashing an SI Swimsuit shoot or watching Total Recall (the original).

I’d like to think this kind of reasoning would matter, but Brett and every cretin like him have all been completely enabled by trump. Deny every allegation no matter how credible and the people who want to believe them will. No matter what. And they’ll latch onto any reed of “proof” even something as stupid as a teen

I didn’t grow up around many guys who went to private schools, much less all-male private schools. However, I went to college (late 90s) with a good many. And they were all the most warped motherfuckers ever when it came to women, sex, and basically anything else requiring a modicum of social grace (other than kissing

Haha. Joke’s on you. O’Kavanaugh has only overseen appeals of criminal trials. He’s never had to slum it down in trial courts.

I mean...July 27-30. There it is.

There’s also something about baseball’s place in culture and how it’s seen — traditions, general stodginess, unwritten rules that supposedly reflect some kind of morality/sportsmanship, and resistance to change — that really appeals to intellectual” conservatives like George Will and Heritage Foundation bow-tied

If Kavanaugh owns a jersey of a particular player, then maybe that will finally be enough to disqualify him.

Clay Travis looks like the kind of guy who would try to bring a kid with a head full of lice onto a commercial flight. 

Illma Gore knew!!

Stormy is wrong on one point. He definitely doesn’t know his dick is unusual. 

Maybe you’re right regarding how Urban handled it compared to how a garden variety major NCAA coach would have handled it. (I don’t think so because Urban has a pretty rotten track record on disciplining anyone who might have any negative impact on the results on the field dating back to at least Florida.) But the

How the fuck can the administrators who let him off with a slap on the wrist allow him to keep his job after theses kinds of statements? Time and again. Regardless of what you think about whether Meyer helped cover for a domestic abuser and then lied about it, the risk (at least for Ohio State and its administrators) l

O is an excellent fit. He could still wind up royally crapping out. But it will all still be a lot of fun regardless of how it goes.

It’s pretty remarkable LSU out-LSU’ed themselves by hiring Coach O after Miles (and as at least a second choice behind Tom Herman). But they did.

He was the Buster Bluth of the bunch, but he was never elected.