
They were a Super Bowl team specifically because Wilson was good for very cheap and it allowed them to keep good players elsewhere to bolster the team. That said, Marshawn and Seattle’s defense were both better relative to Wilson. Run the dang ball, Pete.

When Mack Brown is coaching circles around you on game day...that might be a problem.

The only good Patriots were the Victor Kiam version.

I would’ve never guessed TJ Maxx and Marshall’s sold so much Nike shit.

Well, in fairness to the rubes, they’ve fallen bassackwards into being right about the limits of free speech. Your employer (and other private entities) are free to punish you for exercising your free speech rights (unless there is some kind of contractual provision that allows you to express yourself and prohibits

Kenesaw Mountain Landis was an asshole.

Most southern dems were. They were racist as fuck but also wanted their constituents to have electricity and decent jobs.

Absolutely (right down to paying the players and maybe either having some actual oversight of the teams or just divorcing them completely from the colleges). The on-field product is far superior. And you get so much more variety in styles and how different teams play and talent levels and all that. And true upsets

Not that big of a surprise, but still funny(?). He’s just trying to hit all the high notes and get recognized by some Republican Party talent scout and get asked to run for county commissioner or something.

I was honestly waiting for him JPP his arm squirting lighter fluid on an already burning pile of garbage. 

So much going on with the “North Texas master electrician” steelers wardrobe burning dude. Just a lot to unpack. Looks like an audition tape for “Who is America?” 

And with that, Zach Smith cinched the republican nomination for Ohio’s 12th Congressional District.

Like my grandma always used to say,let he (or she) who has not used technology to facilitate a gig caring for a stranger’s companion animal and then also (probably) used technology to set up a three-way that was maybe going to be/was filmed for personal (or maybe not?) use cast the first stone.”

I’m biased but LSU fans are pretty fucking cool most of the time, especially those old enough when they sucked in football (not that long ago). They get pretty amped up when the games are particularly important and that might be seen as distasteful, but you’ve got to cut them (and, frankly, anyone else) some slack.

Yes, yes. Who will stand up for the Schiano Men?!!!1!

Reading about the Blank/Jones/Goodell Lemon Party made me realize that I am done with the NFL. The product is lousy; crummy in person and takes forever on TV. Enough of the players are terrible humans to make you feel bad supporting the sport (and they’re the “good” guys). The rest of the people involved are all

There’s still one (at least) McCain who fucking loves nepotism and is very much available for media attention.

I like how almost all the “good” McCain stories are “actually this dude was fucking horrible” stories if you look at them with more than 1/16 of an inch of depth or any objectivity.

Tertiary syphilis is a health related event. 

Who’s been the best receiver he’s played with in his entire career? Three years with a very old Steve Smith. I don’t like Cam but he’s not had much to work with.