Until Cam knocks up or assaults half of the greater Charlotte metro, he is neither Dwight nor Jameis. He might be a dipshit, but he’s not on those dudes’ level (yet, that I know of).
Until Cam knocks up or assaults half of the greater Charlotte metro, he is neither Dwight nor Jameis. He might be a dipshit, but he’s not on those dudes’ level (yet, that I know of).
They’re short one tone-deaf narcissistic shithead as of 4:28 mountain time yesterday.
Let’s just cut off their water.
It’s something (satisfying?, ironic?, poetic?, terrifying considering what’s been left behind?) that he was targeted by the ultimate monster he created. Like Frankenstein only 98% dumber.
I assume Lindsey Graham is going to insist on being killed and entombed with JSMIII. When is that being aired?
In a weird way, I kinda want Ohio State to win the national championship so the NCAA can wear this shitstain on its face and find a way to heap praise on this clearly garbage person.
“[We have no] doubt that Coach Meyer respects women...”
Yes, SMU is still dead. The NCAA learned a hard and valuable lesson from giving SMU the death penalty. The lesson is never give a program the death penalty ever again. And they won’t.
These excerpts are incredible. They lay out in detail every reason Ohio State should fire Urban Meyer and then OSU concludes, “nope. He’s staying.” Just wait until the next inexcusable fuckup Meyer oversees or directly participates in and this report will be the smoking gun for taking him everyone else at OSU down…
I’m pretty dumbfounded at all this shit. With Urban, there is always a “next bad thing.” And tOSU has set themselves up perfectly to get completely destroyed from a liability standpoint when the next bad thing happens. Never mind the civil suits. This is how college administrators end up in jail. So “yay,” I guess?
My favorite thing about this series is that it reflexively makes me go immediately place an “UNDER” bet on every single team’s win total.
In fairness, Muschamp gets really worried when an asshole in charge of a mediocre football team might face consequences (for the assholishness, not the mediocrity).
No link to the “eat pussy good” article? What kind of company man are you?
It’s up to brave disruptive innovators to invent riding in someone else’s car and it’s up to the free market to decide how many people should be assaulted or killed before we mandate uniformity of drivers, cars, and insurance through big brother. (Also, I can rate people like on a scale of 1-5 which makes me feel…
In Japan, they drop bowling balls on their rivers just to prove how good they are at fighting fires. When was the last time we were confident enough in our rivers to drop a bowling ball on one? Goddamn liberals.
He is grown up Spaulding Smails.
Don’t care if it’s photoshopped. It feels like it’s true so it is true.
Real missed opportunity by Papa John’s to distance itself from a serial sexual assaulter.
Maybe Jameis ate JPP’s fingers. Teach the controversy. – QAnon
I have a lot of thoughts on this. For now, Godspeed Brett McMurphy. If he’s ever in my zip code, I will buy him all the drinks. Fuck Urban, Ohio State, ESPN, the NCAA and anyone else who would participate in the deification of these asshole college coaches, especially the ones who are the highest paid state employees…