Ginger, get the popcorn!

There is a difference between what is presented in a court of law or seen by investigatory personnel and what is released to the public.

It doesn't legally belong to her. But the fact that it wasn't illegal to release it doesn't mean that we shouldn't still try to respect a DV abuse victim's privacy. Would you be excited about everything you've ever done (or, more accurately, have done to you) in a public space was suddenly open for millions of people

I would also like to add to this that is really no reason for anyone of us to watch the video footage from inside the elevator. It was released by TMZ, presumably without Janay's consent. Just like we were outraged about the hacked nude photos, I think we should recognize that this was a horrifying and deeply personal

Sadly, he he not in the Dallas area, and even more sadly he turned out to be a GIGANTIC asshole, but man do I miss those margaritas. And the queso. And all that sex.

There was a brief, but glorious, period of my life where I dated a boy whose ill-fitting pants often drooped a bit so reveal the top of his boxes, who always rolled up his shirt sleeves to his forearms because he worked as a waiter and they got in the way/it was hot on the restaurant patio, AND WHO WORKED IN A MEXICAN

It is better in LITERALLY every way.

Shhhh, don't listen to them. You ARE a taco!

I have no idea. But these are the same dudes who then turn around and whine about how women only like men with money. And I'm like, yeah, dude, all the chicks you date dump you because you are horribly insecure, and that is far more unattractive/unappealing than anything having to do with money. It's kind of like the

I actually do want my phone to sync with my cloud account. I like having my photos backed up if my phone is stolen, and sometimes it's nice to be able to access my contacts from a computer (for example, when my battery dies and I realize I don't know my brother's phone number). I could manually upload all those

Oh man, I dated a guy like that for 3 months and he could NOT get over his lack of money. The hilarious part is that I was a grad student, so it's not like I was rolling in money myself. I even told him "I've dated the guys you're comparing yourself to. If I wanted to be with them, I would be. I like you, and then I


Pretty sure I owned that shirt and wore is basically every day of 6th grade.

Do people say 'nip this in the butt'? Like are there really people out there who think the phrase is 'in the butt.'?!?!

I wonder if maybe she means she's hasn't failed by not "having it all," which is often what people think feminism is (of course, it isn't and doesn't have to be). Like, she chose to have a career instead of a child and that doesn't mean she isn't good enough for not "having it all" (like many celebrity women seem to

Are you aware of the definition of an analogy?

PSA: Comparing my body to a house/car and my vagina to lock will get you ABSOLUTELY NOWHERE. It might cause me to smack you across the face, though.

I am, too. Like, yeah, no shit, having society have an opinion about your body blows. Welcome to the fucking club.

BUT YOU MUST WANT TO FUCK ME!!!!! You have a vagina and therefore you should want any dick that comes it's way! Why don't you care about my bonerrrrr????

But what does your hair look like? I won't be able to trust your opinion on the issue of who you want to sleep with until I know what kind of haircut you have.

You do you, boo.