
Jezebel underscores the level of badassness she possesses. She didn’t just hide in the bathroom armed with her iron. That iron had a plan! Here is what she intended to do with that iron from another interview:

Yea, it seems personal. Like, you can’t really hock something with the Presidential seal on it. They didn’t steal it for money, they stole it to be assholes. And then they beat up a nice old lady. Like... wtf dudes, I’m sure your mothers are real proud.

Junkies target old people for burglary because old people are more likely to have prescription painkillers. There’s a good chance that is what this was.

The Committee in Charge of Ensuring that We Can’t Have Nice Things has failed!

If it’s gold, silver, or copper, someone would have taken it just because it looked valuable. That being said, people have tried to steal much more prominent items in the past. People who steal don’t always have the best critical thinking skills, it turns out.

This one is personal. My production company interviewed her for a piece we did, on her experiences working on the shipyards in an “auxiliary local” which was a segregated part of the labor union. Recently the president of that union formally apologized to her at a ceremony which was truly powerful and cathartic for

Aw, c’mon you actually read the comments somewhere other than Jez? Why would you do that to yourself?

Actually our prisons are full up of people who use and sell small quantities of pot. There’s no room for violent assholes like this.

She sounds incredible. I find her especially badass and inspiring since I wanted to be a park ranger when I was a little girl. I’ve gone a different way, but if Betty could start when she was 85 and now in her 90s experience such a shitty thing and be ready to get back to work anyway... goddamn, Betty’s my new hero.

I didn’t read Billington’s comment as downplaying what happened to Soskin. This had to have been a targeted break-in because this dude had some sort of grudge against her for God only knows why. I’d venture that most other home invasions are to get stuff to then sell for money. This guy won’t be able to do that. I

She’s already eager to go back to work this week. Supremely badass woman.

Denial isn’t just a river in Egypt. What parent wants to believe their kid is a ‘Kevin’?

Apparently she was banned from social media - AND HER MOM UPDATED IT FOR HER WITH PICS FROM DISNEY WORLD AND PROM. Apple, tree, all that.

It wasn’t just “a text”, it was months of communication where she actively urged him to kill himself, plus some covering up and weird lies after he died.

She doesn’t look innocent to me so much as “transparently trying to look innocent.”

This is not a bad thing. (Alleged) villains do not always look the role, and we often instinctively judge more attractive persons as having a higher integrity of character. Sometimes it is important that our assumptions be consciously shaken to even understand they exist.

Allegedly? I think everyone agrees she sent him text urging him to kill himself. What isn’t clear is whether that was a crime.

Five-head is the correct term for that condition.

Her face is like 60% forehead.