

I also think there is a need to take into account the gender issues that were much more at play with the Clintons. I come from kind of a similar background (minus the Presidency of course!). My parents were both extremely politically active, deeply involved in civil rights and particularly poverty issues. They were a

I don’t find the Clinton example ironic. I think it is correct. And, if Kushner had any relevant experience or expertise, I would not have a problem with this. The issue is not nepotism so much as lack of qualifications. He is as unqualified as a number of Trump appointees- is Bannon more acceptable because he is a

They’ve been so brainwashed that they think the minimum wage, worker protects etc apply to OTHER PEOPLE. And once you fuck over those OTHER PEOPLE “we” the brainwashed red state voters, will rise again to prominence.


That’s the part that I never understand - the GOP said they were going to do this. They ran on doing this. They won on that platform. So how do voters think that they won’t do it?

“If my grandmother had had an abortion, I wouldn’t be here today,” Blanton added.

These fucking idiots that voted red in Kentucky. I am laughing in your stupid fucking face right now. They just reduced the fucking minimum wage and did away with prevailing wage! There’s your republican vote in action!

“Thank goodness you were raped, right grandma?” is a thing this guy might have actually said.

If you’re a big enough asshole to point at yourself and say “good things come from rape” you are actually proof that nothing good comes from rape.

The narrative of “Abortion is bad, because my mom could have had an abortion but she didn’t and so I exist!” is terrible enough without being like “See, good things can come out of rape!” while pointing at your own self.

Francesca Eastwood (Dress is fine but I wouldn’t mind maybe a third less material in the skirt? But that hair is niiice)

He’s a spiritual, moral and existent threat to the best founding ideas of this nation

She was referring to Hollywood, foreign and press. Not so much the actors themselves but those concepts. Hugh Laurie accidentally stepped on her joke. So she had to alter it slightly and it got a little muddled

I think the key here is the adjective “vilified”, not “discriminated against”. She seems fairly aware of her privilege and mentioned that several times.

im fucking having a rage stroke right now. i would claw this womans eyes out.

The chronic furrowed brow must coincide with a massive tension headache, no wonder she is so angry.

Yeah Trump hates Hollywood so much he has been trying to get accepted by Hollywood for decades and his people are going behind the scenes begging A-List singers and celebrities to attend his inauguration. His people were even putting out press releases saying that A-Listers partied with Trump on New Year’s Eve.

It was indeed all those things. And it was a thrill to watch.

She is not only our greatest actor, she is also our national conscience. It’s a lot of hats to wear, but she pulls it off.