
How’s everyone’s dating life going? Anyone got good or bad stories to share?

Beauty thread, since I didn’t see one.

Yeah, during yoga my mind will drift to some weird stuff, too. Almost like the space when you’re nearly asleep but not entirely and your thoughts go crazy. Emotions are weird.

Don’t sweat it. They usually get bored after a while.

This used to happen to me all the time. I think when you go back to doing physical activities that were routine when your life circumstances were different, it can definitely trigger strong memories and feelings. *INTERNET HUGS*

WTF? In his quest to make himself feel better, all he did was come across as an even bigger douche.

Seconding the douche comment. “Thank you for your time” is what you say at the end of an interview... not to a person you’re dating. The hell.

I find that during long workouts my mind wanders and I’m less able to compartmentalize my feelings or distract myself. M exercise of choice is biking and I’ll ride for around 30 to 5o miles while training. I don’t listen to music for safety reasons and because of the repeative nature of cycling, I can almost

He’s a douchewaffle. Sorry he wasted your time. :(

I’m in a similar situation, but in your guy’s position. I started dating this guy in his early 30s (I’m in my late 20s) who is funny and interesting and we have a lot in common and he has an education and a good job, etc. He wants to buy a house this year. I’m finishing up graduate school in the next six months and

I was seeing a guy for about a month. Monday night we saw each other, and then he ghosted. Got a text today finally, ending us, saying he didn’t want to “ghost all the way”. The text ended “thank you for your time”. That is all.


I saw this film in August. It definitely had its moments (that opening scene!) but it didn’t realize its full potential. One of the mermaids is also in a new film playing a lesbian Czech, murderer in the 60s. That film (called I, Olga Hepnarova) is very very good.

Think about how horrifying mermaids would be if they had the upper body of a fish and the lower body of a human.

Just a discussion on exercise and grief. My mom died about a year ago and around that time I injured myself. I couldn’t exercise in a way that I was used to. My injury took about 6 months to heal and I’m starting to work at again. During my recent intense workouts, I’ve had to stifle a sob. It just came out of

Just venting.

Is this place getting worse? Lately I find myself checking usernames and looking at comment histories to determine whether the other users here are throwaways or trolls on almost every story. I tend to think that there’s a deliberate effort to ruin this place, but it might just be trolls who are emboldened by

Can I crowdsource some gif ideas from y’all? I have saved SO many good gifs from the comment sections here, I thought I would turn to y’all to refresh my example bank.

I’m a few days away from my ‘go ahead and have a baby any time now’ date and I am soooo stoked. Baby I love you so much, gtfo out of me!