
Google that. Owner is horrible, supports Trump because “small business”, even though he runs a business that ruins small businesses.

This happened to my mother almost 15 years ago. They detained her, another woman and two younger men. All black. They accused my mom of stealing 1 earring.. Even though she had more expensive jewelry on her. It was costume jewelry. She moved it from one part of the shelf to another. She was harassed for payments

I was once hired by Macy’s on a Friday and told I’d be called that Monday with a schedule and a start date. I never heard from them again.

“It would’ve been nice if Lady Mormont hadn’t completely forgotten the female, trueborn Stark in the room during her rousing speech :/ ”

I suppose technically Bran is the next in line but.. whatevs..

You know our words: “Here we stand.”*

It would’ve been nice if Lady Mormont hadn’t completely forgotten the female, trueborn Stark in the room during her rousing speech :/

Some stores I responded to back in my patrol days would pull this. I doubt loss prevention liked it very much when I showed up because I'd loudly announce to the suspect that just because the police are here, they didn't need to sign anything and shouldn't construe my presence as some sort of implication that they

Only caveat I’ll give is that I felt some stuff in the last two seasons felt a bit sketchy. Like how Aslaug went from the gradually warming princess in Season 2 back to cold again in S3 and 4. It seemed as if there were missing eps or something. And I still have no damn clue what the Yidu subplot was about.

Need more ladies behind the camera of your bloody battles? Want more women involved in the making of your swords and axes and bearded hotties? My friends, I implore you to watch Vikings. It’s lush and gorgeous and dramatic and employs awesome women in front of and behind the camera. The female characters are well

Jesus fucking christ, dude, they are culpable for unlawful imprisonment, theft, fraud...this goes way beyond a civil suit. When are criminal charges being filed?

Forget GoT everyone! This is the real news! Trump will make it so we can all live in gilded homes with an infinite amount of gold sharpies and Trump steaks!!!! Huzzah!

Team Mormont will remember this... oh, it will be remembered.

I laughed my head off when I heard about Johnson pulling a Borexit on running the country.

I’m still blown away at the whole endeavor really. I understand Cameron did it thinking nothing would ever come of it other than it would muster support among the fringes of his party for his re-elect, but I really can’t fathom

I envision him walking up to the podium for his acceptance speech, shouting “The Aristocrats!” before dropping the mic and heading overseas for a very long vacation on some private island.

““You abandoned a sinking ship,” the heckler explained gently, still in hot pursuit. “Hopeless! Unleashed ignorance, inequality. Shocking behavior.”

There’s still a chance that Trump just says “fuck it” at the convention and walks off.

They is twins.

I hope there’s someone out there penning Boris Johnson + Donald Trump erotic hairpiece fanfic. I’d read it.

Ugh, why do English people have to be so smart and sensible? Look at this shapeless man with a golden shitstained rug on his head, promising things he can’t give (with classist and racist undertones), but ultimately deciding that it would be the greatest humiliation and dumpster fire to actually run for highest