Fuck you, take my star lol
Per league sources: Chris Bosh will be returning to the Toronto Raptors as their masclot.
Yeah, they’re always trying to blame things on you, like things in your blood. Whatever. You know you can still play.
I love my 5S still but wasn’t it released in September 2013?
Just like that EpiPen article posted today, the costs and risks are passed down to the users.
“I learned it from you, Diaz.”
If CBD isn’t legal, it’s because of a very good reason. They have billions of dollars less than pharma companies.
The ump called him “out.” That’s what the punching gesture means. If he had been safe, the guy in light blue would’ve extended both arms to either side, parallel to the ground.
even with slow-mo, that was close...
+1. Terrible tag, but still out.
You’re right: he’s safe. The throw has him beat by three steps, but his left foot looks clearly on the plate before the tag hits his trailing leg.
A contrarian on the Internet?! *gasp* DJAMBI! SUMMON THE FAINTING COUCH!
“Hey, Ump, this guy in the Deadspin comments says Loney was safe!”
*Home plate umpire immediately leaves stadium and casts himself into the sea Lake Michigan*
His left leg went over the front of the plate and didn’t touch and Montero tagged him before his bent right leg touched the plate.
Looked safe to me.
I wondered the same thing!
The fourth installment of a series of movies about giant robots that fight giant monsters is being held up by a giant monster. We apologize for the delay.