Fact: Team fights build team chemistry.
Fact: Team fights build team chemistry.
Then Cahill Scores on a headed later in the game haha.
Don’t agree with the 1 game, but there is a lot that goes on behind the scenes when you get in trouble. It’s usually just A LOT of running as punishment though.
I tried to dunk on Glen Davis in high school. Short story, I’m still alive.
Any “friend” that says, smoke this, its molly. Is a fucking moron of a drug user. Who the fuck smokes molly, gullible people like her i suppose. Grow up and do coke like an adult lol.
These seem very awkward now...
no shit. I’m talking about communication with him and Riley. Like the situations with LBJ and Wade. Little communication.
Something more has to be going on behind the scenes right? LBJ, Wade, now Bosh. His clotting issue does seem very serious, but why doesn’t he believe the team doctors?
Good Call. 3 years. seems like 4
Updated my iPhone and no issues at all. And I’m still rockin’ my 5s. I’ll never upgrade until this phone craps out. It turns 4 years old next week! and then it’ll probably crap out then, ha.
Liked Ghibli when I was a kid. For some reason, I can’t watch them as an adult, but I do put them on for my kid.
yes or they don’t want it legal, so “big green” can continue to make all the money for themselves. it’s all just dumb.
“yeah, get hooked on prescription meds like the rest of america.” - Signed The DEA
what a Stugotzian take!
nevermind. slo mo helps.
just me or was he safe?