
What's possible in theory is not, for example, possible in reality. Isn't that stuff awfully expensive?

Even in Backlash, fifteen years ago, Susan Faludi pointed out how impossible it is for drug users to get treatment. The liability risk means no treatment program will accept them, yet they get punished for not doing stuff that isn't offered. And if they try and get treatment, in today's climate of investigating

Ted Bundy didn't use video cameras, but he was a peeping Tom for a long time, back when people didn't realize it could lead to worse things. As it did.

She's one of my favorite actresses. She just makes everything better. Hell, she should be playing the lead in most of her movies.

The way he thinks—-it's clear from the way he practically nailed himself to a cross in the trial——that would just be the fault of the evil wenches who sent him to prison. I'd like him to learn how wrong that is, and to see just exactly how horrible it is, what he did.

He's not nuts, though. He's not crazy. He grew up in a culture that used girls like they were pieces of meat, and he never once questioned something that gave him access to incredibly young girls and unlimited power. That's far more disturbing to think about.

Really? Because it looks fake to me; I've seen In the Realm of the Senses and there was no doubt there. The Skinemax stuff looks like Eighties love scenes with a bit more nudity, motion, and tacky sound effects.

I keep flipping past Skinemax now and then and DAYAM if that's what they're selling, I'll stick to Alan Rickman gazing longingly at Kate Winslet, thanks. Because holy cow, there's no plot, there's no buildup, no foreplay, everybody squeals like a balloon that's been covered in oil, and it's a tossup as to who has

I was just arguing with some asshole who used the word 'feminazi' and 'fascist' to describe feminists—-and he was German, but given Limbaugh's glee at describing in great detail what he'd like to do to liberals—-murder and internment——here it's really no exaggeration, is it? The fact that he sometimes claims he does

Good, I can add them to the list of people who think they're clever when they use these words and/or phrases: feminazi, but—but—but—-Andrea Dworkin!; fascist feminist, all Muslims are terrorists, welfare queens, 'walking through a bad neighborhood with a Rolex', Camile Paglia, gays recruit; and, really too many to

Are those the same people who spit out 'secular' like it's a insult against your momma, your job, your honor, and your status as a human being?

Really? The Times just did a horrifying hit piece on the DSK rape victim, using little better than tabloid tactics to gin up a story based on sensationalism and 'anonymous sources'—-who turned out be lying. They've done that to Patricia Bowman, the woman William Kennedy Smith raped, and to the little girl in the gang

Rape is wrong. That means every kind of rape. Rape is not a punishment for committing rape, either—-that says that some rapes are okay. Just like Warren Jeffs thought.

It's not limited to Heaven, though. Every time I've gone to Europe I've found that no matter how rich the food is—and it's heavenly——I still lose weight because the lifestyle is all about living well——being able to walk to work and back, markets within reach, and so on. Staying healthy is how life is designed.

Now that's a sammich.

Yeah, if only he'd limited himself to fashion. I don't recall him slamming previous male Secretaries of State in terms of their physiques and flaws and gender identity.

Not to mention their constant bashing of rape victims. I've yet to read a story where they subtly or not-so-subtly endorsed the concept that the (redacted because too much angry sarcasm is not good before dinner) victim had it coming.

I'd pay good money to see a movie about broads who don't give a shit, eat what they want, still have no trouble finding love, and maybe fight crime on the side.

You don't think Limbaugh knows a degrading and demeaning word for a part of a woman's body? He's probably coined more than ever existed before. He hates women, and yet he rants about them all the time. He hates Hillary so much that by extension he bashed her twelve-year-old daughter.

Well, if women would only realize that they're valuable only when they're hot, things would just be so much simpler...!