I guess it's easy being happy when you've never acknowledged that you really did in fact rape someone who weighed less than half what you did—-and eventually broke up her family and left her holding the bag.
I guess it's easy being happy when you've never acknowledged that you really did in fact rape someone who weighed less than half what you did—-and eventually broke up her family and left her holding the bag.
Oh, yeah, check out her blog, Skepchick, or Pharyngula, where the threads that discuss this issue have gone to into the hundreds, and in some cases, over a thousand comments, many of them basically untruthful, and remarkably hostile and hateful.
It sounds ideal, except we don't live in an ideal world. Do equalists exert equal effort on behalf of everyone? (Which is what it sounds like.) Because if they do, they're merely preserving the condition of inequality that exists instead of fighting it.)
As long as people can use words like 'feminazi' in reference to an oppressed group that are not in fact, building death camps, then it needs to be reclaimed. Or when calling a woman named Rebecca Watson—-who gave a mild piece of advice to men——-"Twatson" is the best her opponents have in rebuttal. (She's an athiest…
There's a joke in there about Daniel Radcliffe, isn't there? Unless my re-reading the Harry Potter books is on my mind.
Watch out for anybody who weasels out and insists they're humanist or equalist. I've found they tend to want to ignore the bigotry women face for whatever reason, so they waffle and come up with those terms. But the thing is, men and women aren't treated equally. If you believe they are, and exert equal effort on…
So...we're supposed to change our name, basically, because the people who are most opposed to what we want, do, and are have waged an unrelenting campaign against us for decades? If we do that, it's a retreat. And boy, I have another reason to dislike Gaga.
Hey, it's a good way of weeding out the jerks. If he's even halfway decent, he won't care.
Yeah, I think we need to do more yelling.
Until a woman like Hillary doesn't have to face this kind of shit, then we're all in trouble. She's important; she was a viable Presidential candidate she's the Secretary of State; he's indulging the classic male pastime of "Let's reduce an important woman to her looks, her femaleness, and then find her wanting…
Wait. You approve of that line? You have to be shittin' me. She's the secretary of state, not a goddamned Playboy bunny. Tim Gunn's reducing her to her appearance, when she has one of the most important jobs in the world, and does it well from all accounts. He needs to grow the fuck up.
I was visiting my sister that night and it was windy night. Tree branches tapping my window. Oh, yeah.
Maybe you should acquaint yourself with his history before you start lecturing every- and any-body. Talk about sexual assault turns into victim blaming and deflection; talk about victims turns to smug 'what they should have done.' So spare me.
Ever seen that old Seventies movie called "Trilogy of Terror" with Karen Black and the fetish doll? Jesus.
The girl was drunk and can be seen on the videotape, I think, being very unsteady and sluggish, if I'm remembering the correct case. However, there was definitely another girl, and because she was of age and older than the fifteen-year-old, she was shrugged off. It's funny how everybody was so worried about Wilson's…
And also the way the producers can indulge in incredible sexism and claim it's nostalgia.
Funny how 'empowerment' always translates into, "Less clothing". And also, presumably, the impossible diets required to fit into those costumes.
Want some nails for that cross?
Either Amazon or the guy himself as deleted some of his other reviews, which were even more....icky.
Continuing the derail IS your problem when you're the one doing it.