
People think history is dead, but unless people are actively informed about what happened in the past, they won't know where modern-day beliefs—-and those eternal prejudices—-come from.

It's the truth. If they were pro life they wouldn't vote the way they do, support the laws they do, or promote lies the way they do. Their whole purpose in life is to leave women with no choices but carrying unwanted pregnancies to term.

And people believe that shit! Without so much as a doubt at all.

Yeah, Whoopie gets pissed about the oddest things——not 'rape-rape' but the urban legends of women who willfully steal sperm for the princely sum of $20 a week or something, plus nine months of pregnancy and eighteen years of labor. I wish people would stop repeating that stupid story as fact. It's difficult in a lab, you think a woman can do that by holding sperm in her mouth—-a toxic environment for sperm—-and then casually inseminate herself? The sexual encounter took place in a broom closet, was consensual, and Becker didn't use

So the guy won't use birth control and didn't want to have anything to do with the kid, and he's not alone by any means, and you're concerned about....the father.

Well, it's thunderstorming here. God, I hope I never need to have the courage that woman has.

Protection is an excuse but few people actually need it for that, use it for that, or could use it for that. Most often the 'protection' firearm winds up killing a spouse or a child or the owner. And there's absolutely no excuse for anybody to own a semi automatic functioning rifle. They exist for one reason and one

I don't understand. The computer screen was perfectly clear before and now it's all blurry and wavy. I just....yeah.

Stepparents are more likely to kill their step kids than bio parents, aren't they? I seem to recall reading a study to that effect.

Oh, yeah, I'm a letter writer and all around agitator. Most TV shows are just too stupid to watch. But the stupid shit requires as much effort to write as does the good stuff——if they're going to work that hard, why don't they try harder?

Yep, my grandma used to say a little extra stuffin' kept any old bird looking nice.

Well, it'd take brains to think of new stuff, wouldn't it? I just bummed myself out.

Yeah, it's absolutely stunning. For every evil person, there's a staff. What else do you call it?

Yup, she did. It's a stunning statement that ranks right up there with Natalie Portman's 'the recession is so exciting.'

Oh, have you read Sharon Kay Penman? She sticks to the historical record and she's eloquent, but the closest she's gotten to the Tudors is Richard III. She also did a series that touched on the very beginning of the Tudor dynasty.

Me either. Especially after, "I'm sorry, I just can't play somebody who makes less than twenty K a year." Bite me, Gwyneth, bite me.

Well, the little girl in the picture...she looked like she was about ten! I just made myself a little bit sick. I'm sure you can find them somewhere.

He's so arrogant, he probably thinks he's going to show them all a thing or two.

Bundy tried doing this. It didn't work. What it does do is cause delays.