
It's a porn movie scenario, that whole 'maid/prostitute' thing.

I just filled up a whole bingo card, troll. Not just sexism but accusations of groupthink, and then there's the charming anti-Semitism, plus moral relativism——"OMG, the US is worse!" and "You're insulting the real victims!" plus a nice cherry of, "I'll GIVE you something to whine about."

Yeah, that's one of the things that really irritated me. Even if it's all what? Do only non-criminal women get raped? Is it okay if women who (the tapes seemed to imply) were bad women is raped? Because the whole thing was, Well, she's a liar and an opportunist, that means she was never raped. Yet the

It can't just be translation error if they're inventing shit out of whole cloth and moving it from tape to tape.

Is it the accuser's lawyers? In at least one instance it was attributed to a highly placed law enforcement source.

Anonymous sources. They actually quoted her correctly——but they picked and chose, splicing together stuff to make her sound bad, and putting sentences together when they came at different parts of the conversation. The prosecution had those tapes—-why didn't they stick up for her?

Yeah, I want to look back at people who ignored the big glaring honking sign over the 'sources' in that story——all anonymous. Every last one of them.

Why don't you go troll somewhere else? Your schtick is old.

Yeah, okay, that IS offensive. Given the rise of the Neo Nazi movement in Europe and the wounds left by that war I don't think it's an American's place to whine about European laws. "That is just the case of the squeaky wheel getting the grease." You're getting very close to some really offensive territory there, what with minimizing the dimensions of the Holocaust and oh, yeah, then there's the fact that you're playing oppression olympics.

Just another isolated incident! Psssssssssssssst. Didn't you get the memo? White guys are always unique, but everybody else is just one big scary monolith.

Yeah, it's like those people who say, "It's JUST a joke!" or "I'm just being HONEST." It's funny how they want to be an asshole, but they don't want the name. Guess they can't stand it when other people are politically incorrect with them.

You and me both. I'm getting kind of scared.

I'd think a glance at the wiki page for the song would have settled it. They have to mention what the song was referring to.

So hipsters are unaware of the existence of one of the major concentration camps during WWII? Then they're just ignorant.

"Politically correct" is really not the phrase you're looking for. Having good taste and manners and consideration for other people is.

Jeez, what a jerkwad.

This guy's issues are obviously not limited to by spelling cre8tivelee. Nor in his case is it accidental.

It says to me that they both feel entitled to incredible amounts of respect that their intellect, theories, behavior, and achievements would not otherwise earn for them. And they're demanding them of Maddow, who's extremely intelligent, ethical, well-educated—-although I suspect no matter where she went she'd get a

Has anybody checked to see if he's got a butterfly tattooed on his ankle?