
Oh, bullshit. You're getting jumped on because you're victim blaming, you're not listening——and you seem pretty proud of that, too—-and you refuse to consider that maybe you ought to shut the fuck up and listen when women tell you you're victim blaming.

He's 24 and he knew them....from high school? So it's a grudge or he hangs around with teenagers?

Yeah, they showed the view from a chopper and there were what looked like all these....outfits, like clothes....on the ground.

Win! I love people who flout gender roles and tropes.

It can still happen, if it's tied to some kind of disorder that just means, "She needs to be more femme-y so we can preserve our ignorance about gender roles and identification."

Yeah, the spread leg thing——Dude, the boys are not that impressive, okay? Not impressed.

They've arrested a guy and he's got Xtian/Neo Nazi ties apparently.

Oh, he's an incredible asshole and he's taking stuff without peoples' consent...and it looks like they're mostly women. I'd say that merits some concern. He's also slut shaming and that it's okay because he claims it's for their own good. The combination of self righteousness and lack of consent makes him a

I generally go by, whoever asks to go someplace pays, but it's always nice to offer. It's just nice. I figure if I can't afford to pick up the whole check if I offer, then I shouldn't be there.

Oh, and by the way? If you have to preface a statement, then you know what you're doing.

He tricked them. The article said he knew them from high school, which is ambiguous. For one thing, he's 24. Has he known them six years? Or is he associating with teenagers, in which case they could be younger than eighteen.

Have you read The Gift of Fear? That's exactly what he was doing. You were smart to pick up on that and not respond.

THEY WERE PHISHED. Accompanied with as many complaints about their carelessness, heedlessness, and other shit as you can pack into a paragraph.

Well, aren't you just the special snowflake.

Yeah, I like the passive voice, too, and the assumption we're in dire needs of these 'tips'. These women either knew the guy for six years—-there's mention of high school and he's 24——or he's staking out much younger women. Think how different these two statements are:

What we don't have to do is follow every victim-blaming trope in the book. You even used passive voice.

Heh. I now have this urge to take lots of nude pictures. The slimebag is almost totally absent from this conversation and it's making me hate people.

He knew them from high school, it seems. So apparently we have to distrust even people we know?

Jeez, I read some of the replies and it sounds like they'd like to do that themselves.

It doesn't just happen . If you devoted as much attention to fighting slut shaming and victim blaming as you do....oh, wait.