My husband and I would hardly ever argue if one of us was dead.
My husband and I would hardly ever argue if one of us was dead.
Yeah, no... must be me evil twin, made of rat droppings and hair.
“12 Angry Men Inside Amy Schumer” is gorram brilliance.
One doctor in the States recommended I do check with my neurologist...
She’s the horrid combination of “humanism” and organic, crunchy, broth trend following flower child.
You know what, I should have weighed in on that because it’s also possibly neurological. Which I know because, of all the weird ways to find something out, I had a manicurist who had a daughter who had neurologically originating emesis. I cannot remember what the condition was called, I’m sorry. But if you or…
Talk gender fluidity and artificial intelligence to me, Oscar.
In my whole life I have never had this idea. I suffered through Cheetos dust or just did not eat them. I am a doctoral candidate. How is this happening?
I’m reading the article about dumping friends and wishing I had the luxury. Then I wondered, why isn’t there an app for blind friendship dates? OKXenia? If there was such a thing, would you use it?
Thanks for the conversation! It has clarified some things that I was mulling over. Hugs!
Thanks for taking the time to think about this! So far, that’s been my strategy, to avoid the subject, because it’s no use trying to convince him otherwise. He’s into the whole ‘Matrix’ thinking now, and I just don’t get it - you are trying to find light, but then get sucked into all this negativity? It’s a hard one…
I’m really terrible at being a brat because I will stomp out of a room shrieking like a banshee and then come back in 90 seconds later, crying, because I feel bad that I yelled. I do play videogames a lot, I started about twenty years ago, but I have less time and money these days so I’ve been very behind all the new…
Here is a creepy story. A family friend just died. Before he died, one of my great aunts told him to sell an old buckskin pouch on EBay. She wanted to sell it for way too much but he still put it up.
That cat doesn’t regret a single damn thing.
I hate to be a cliché but it turns out that my absolutely filthy mood over the past few days can be chalked up to hormones (although also everything and everyone is the worst) and was probably not helped by getting very determinedly drunk last night and waking up even more…
I am into that cat.
Thanks! It’s the coffee Lol.
Oh man, I’ve been there. As a cancer survivor myself you learn awfully quick who your true friends are! Now I find myself with a super tight knit group of awesome like minded individuals! It gets better :)
If you haven’t seen the doc Pink Ribbons Inc, I highly recommend it. I really appreciated that they emphasized how destructive forced positive thinking can be when someone is terminally ill. How dare anyone tell someone who is fighting for their life to be more positive and gracious. Like you said, there’s nothing…
11 or 12 years ago, my very good “spiritual” friend looked disgusted when she came with me to visit my dying aunt - like she would catch the plague - and told me if I meditated enough I could save her and my grandfathers life. When my grandfather died she said it wasn’t too late for my aunt. She died because she had…
Some people who hate on her haven’t even seen her stuff. No one here can tell me 12 Angry Men was not genius. Or Football Town Nights.