
the potus effect!

“But let’s be real, this fact-checking module isn’t really all that useful”

Thanks tips. So again, former employee who didn’t need fully educated customers (don’t be ridiculous now) just INFORMED, so literate and with half a thought (like how did they make it to the store otherwise?). Being that we have started the semantics game of trolls, I’ll point out I was in sales with product

It’s called PhillyWisper. They’re still pretty new, I think they’re in a handful of zip codes, but it’s pretty small.

I have one friend who is a talented tattoo artist, who has some very pretty ink at the outside of her eyes, center of her chin, and Third Eye area, based on North African women’s traditional tattoos and Voudou symbols, but they are of personal significance to her. Her life decisions are not, in general, bad ones, but

I thought this comment said “I hope his asshole burns” and honestly I do. Forever.

It’s like the Suicide Squad Joker come to life but if he was a child sexual predator rather than just played by one.

I knew Joanna was cool.

this is low key one of the funniest comments i’ve ever received

Don’t try to hide the truth from us, you monster. She’s to the right of the video, but to the left of Pai.

Town Car and driver on account. I’m not an animal.

You would have to drive for more than 14 hours per day, 7 days per week, every day of the year to clear $101,920.00 Gross at the average of $20/hour (which is the average if you’re working all those hours). That’s before taking out expenses such as gas and auto usage.

My favorite is the new one in the greys pleading for help because they’re being impersonated.

Love her, but also hijacking this thread to say, what do you think of this? A few years ago I got trolled on here. And the troll reached out to me randomly the other day. Is this creepy? It feels creepy.

I’m seriously considering the possibility that that guy is working out of some troll farm at the behest of Checkists. The broken English, the weird apostrophes, the reply-spamming, etc. etc., it all seems … off. So I’m not going to bother responding to him.