
editorial team != advertising team

editorial team != advertising team

I think it’s that Jorni guy who’s been trolling Jezebel and impersonating various users trying out a different technique. The weird grammar, that post’s timing coinciding with the other trolling, etc.

I’m in Philly too! Who are they? Verizon and Comcast are both sentient garbage

They should post this on the landing page! I hit up Joanna with an abhorrent comments round-up, and she said to contact her directly to get this stuff taken care of faster. I wonder if they could do an IP ban?

I contacted Joanna and Lauren about it yesterday since I first saw it cropping up on their articles. Here’s Joanna’s response:

Why, Chipotle of course. Gotta get that post-coital chipoytle

uh... I’m not sure what this has to do with social justice