
I call that getting what you deserve for fueling the plague of collectathon-centric games we’re cursed with. I like to think that the reward of a golden turd is fantastic commentary by the devs on what is truly shitty and boring gameplay hooks too many games rely upon. They don’t even intend for you to collect all

When I read his response, my first thought was that it sounded a *lot* like one of Trump’s comebacks. “I love it. It’s amazing. So multicultural. I love it.”

No, they fixed the bug but put the tree there afterwards to commemorate the spot.

He was found hanging from a tree. Probably by Logan Paul.

They’re both contractors for the same company.

Tiger Woods golf games were great for this. My two old roommates and myself managed to create 3 incredibly hideous characters. Mine had literal red skin, stood about 7 feet tall, and had a more misshapen head that Elder Diaz here. Another was named Zombie Bob for good reason, as we managed to get his skin tone and

I’ll drink to that.

shut up

I love that baby got back.

I can’t tell if this is a joke. O_o

Now playing

How is that the “Epic Sax Guy”???

Seriously this dude’s had that title on lockdown since the 80's

Fully fucking loaded. Like a God damn baked potato.

Thanks! I am very glad I can actually get news relating to Wii U from the Kotaku comments section, since they decided to never mention it again a few months ago.

This song always reminds me of this:

He needs to add piles of feces in the streets for authenticity.

You go through it and like it and die!

The world is structurally most similar to Lego Jurassic and its hubs.

So let me get this straight...Lens Flare Abrams makes a cameo but not George Lucas ?