All the edge... That is some dumbass millennial speak. Are you WOKE too? So lit bro. Eye roll ROFLCOPTER
All the edge... That is some dumbass millennial speak. Are you WOKE too? So lit bro. Eye roll ROFLCOPTER
I applaud the extreme story you are linking to make your point. I can link you to articles about video games causing violent behavior. So lets get rid of all video games. You are just waiting for the day everyone is grey, looks the same, thinks the same, acts the same. Got it. Sounds more like hell that utopia, but…
You know that future where a pandemic ruins the world and people are caring and giving and pc about everything... You said it ARTIST. It’s art and fits the setting. So keep on that high horse kick.
And keep bathing in your tears. Grow a back bone.
Says the person calling someone an asshole for an opinion. That kettle is so black. At least I’m not fake. Yep I’m calling you a fake.
Quite the opposite. F*ck the police. The only authority that I’ve had assistance from is the Sheriffs office. And I’m not saying all Sheriffs offices are created equal.
Wow you found a meme. I guess I’ll go cry now. Oh no actually I can take criticism. Let me apologize for being real and having an opinion that goes against this bs pc trend. I’m sure all of you are all out there in your community making a difference. More like you post a meme, like something on facebook, and/or drive…
Oooo I better leave based on that meme. I forgot no one can have a realistic opinion in this pc, millennial, I’m special, give me a partcipation trophy country. Huge eye roll. Grow a back bone.
Such the cry babies.
Unlike your orginal edgelord comment. Sorry that I’m a realist and don’t get sucked into this pc bullshit. You all need to grow a pair and stop crying foul over stuff like this. People have real problems in this world, not just some hurt feelings.
Thank goodness that even though the future in TD2 is bleak, that there is a ray of politically correct sunshine.
I was hoping for Aqua Teen something something something else
I grind my teeth so hard I wore off the enamel and got 9 fillings. Month later I got all 4 wisdom teeth pulled. I'll be wearing a night guard from now on.
Lower the resolution and interpolate frames. People should be more worried about smooth motion controls. Smooth rotation is the only thing that will make my head spin a bit.
Glad Nintendo is getting into VR. This will help solidify its future. Def glad I got a Vive and that there is VR in my lifetime.
So a well used 07 with a 5EAT with less HP having a faster 0-60 than brand new one with CVT means the CVT isnt slow? Hmmm odd. Subby CVT sucks, nothing to argue.
It’s Punch-Fister: Master of Fisters
They should have opted for the 5EAT not switching to the CVT. Having an 07 LGT and 13 3.6R with the 5 EAT (and ‘17 WRX 6spd), while still a slushbox, it’s far better than this slow CVT.
I had forgotten about this game. There is another game that looks similar but it’s fist fighting and for the live of me I can’t remember the name.
Is this Sony’s attempt at Spark?