
Just sayin’. The obvious answer isn’t always the obvsious answer. 

I think Reddit would be the best place to find Reddit chat rooms. 

I like reading these articles as I love(d) listening to the Nerds Playing Poker podcast.

Thanks for the article. Always good to double check what I am already doing. WPA2, MAC filter, and changing up the DNS are things I always suggest people to do.

99 million years? Typo much? They meant 7000.

Could have been worse, could have been better. I was just glad to see Zelda still came out for it since I had/have no intention on getting a Switch. 

All you do is TRY and troll people, which doesn’t seem to work very well. That is what I meant by fake profile. You want to try and bash people over a simlple joke, which you did poorly. I know it will be very hard for you to move out of your moms basement and see the light for the first time. Maybe you can get a

You just pick people that only you know of. Man bun crush much hard on for Dunham now. You are an odd guy with your likes.

I am commandeering this DRM. - Volski

Small razz?

It’s a coupon. Accept it don’t. Obv he was caught for forgery and feels the need to “bust” someone else. Again it’s a coupon and many places will allow for a copy of a coupon to be used. 

I am sold! Now just change the body, change the name, drop the price.

Bought on Friday, drove it home.


Military, not just Army. You probably don’t know the difference. 

Americans enter the war at the end to clean that shit up and win it. Since those weak kneed countries couldn’t get the job done. :)

I’d be happy with around 350 WHP. Not an arbitrary number either as it’s more than 300 and less than 400. :)

In for the IF THERE IS NO ONE ON THE ROAD WHO CARES comments. Oh too late, there they are.

The UK is the US in a snow globe.

I almost gave you a star, but saying Americans were weak kneed during WWII??? I don’t think one American had a man bun in those trenches. :)