Gimme Some Sugar

Eek! I’m so happy I don’t really get neck spasms. That sounds horrible. I get “kinks” frequently, but meh that’s usually because I stopped doing my stretches (oh! I feel better! Honest!) and then my neck gets stiff, so I overdo the stretches and then hurt myself. I’m nothing if not predictable!

Yes, peameal. Hate it. Except maybe diced in pea soup.

In the last twelve months, I have had the following:
*nerve test + neurologist evaluation for MS, strokes, etc
*breathing test
*rheumatologist appointment
*several GP appointments for pain, nerve issues, whooping cough, allergies, and medication reaction
*~6 blood tests, including inflammation and antibody tests
*Xrays on

I don’t want Canadian anything. I learned that the hard way after ordering Canadian bacon.

The Prestige TV Show Hot Take Economy is extremely bad and dumb, but so is arguing that the way that we talk about and depict our world in fiction is irrelevant and not worth talking about in general. Granted that many people do it in a way that is stupid and wearying - that doesn’t invalidate the broader principle

lol Baldwins, there are so many of you!

When does Jack Bauer intervene? I keep waiting...

It’s especially bad that Comey sends a letter to Republican Jason Chaffetz and doesn’t let his Democratic counterpart in on it. They found out from Chaffetz’s Tweet.

I know! I’d be willing to bet Ken Bone’s outfit didn’t cost that much.


The hands are WAY too big.

Even assuming your argument, “gullibility, mental illness, histories of abuse, etc.” is something those parents should be permitted to raise as a defense in their criminal trials, but it’s not, under any circumstances, some kind of a “pass” to prostitute your children.

I’ve never put it like this, but holy hell, you’re right.

It’s also interesting that the less attractive daughter seems to get little to no attention from him at all. I guess that’s good, given his lechery, but like you said, it must be a huge self esteem crusher when your own parent views your worth solely on how you look.

This is what happens when we give people’s opinions the same intellectual consideration as scientific facts.

It’s money up front. No kissing. No hugging. No nothing until the envelope appears and it’s counted.

I really wish we all just started collectively flipping the fuck out when a man did something like this instead of feeling pressured to “remain calm.” I hate that so many cultures have brainwashed women to not make “big deals” out of shit like this.

This is entirely plausible.

My response would have likely involved an anthrax letterbomb.

There it is, that’s a straw, you see? Watch it. Now, my straw reaches acroooooooss the room and starts to snort your cocaine. I... snort... your... cocaine!