Colonialism: conquering the majority of the planet for spices, then creating the blandest food on the planet.
Colonialism: conquering the majority of the planet for spices, then creating the blandest food on the planet.
That’s why I love shows like Parks and Recreation where the people are sweet to each other and the relationships are built up over the series until by the end the love they have for each other feels so genuine that I keep crying. I don’t want to watch assholes, I can easily do that at work. I want to watch enjoyable…
I don’t hate her and will still definitely watch her stuff depending on plot summary, but I can understand why a show-runner might not love the idea of their star bad-mouthing them to the media. If I was nominated for an award and took my name out of the running (while I was representing the project, mind you, so…
You know what is a damn near perfect show? Fargo. I know it’s a completely different genre than what we’re talking about, but I appreciate the rejection of the “total dick/nihilist=complex character” idea. It has real heroes who you want to root for, genuinely interesting villians who you also kind of want to root…
She threw the Grey’s Anatomy writing staff all the way under the bus, after she won an Emmy. Not only is it an incredibly shitty thing to do in general (since without the writing staff, she would have no lines to deliver and be rewarded for,) it was even shittier for an at the time breakout start to do so, given that…
Well... she wasn’t so much opinionated as a huge, public jerk to the people that labor behind the scenes working to make her look good with no glory. She tried to publicly shame the Grey’s writers for not giving her “good enough” material (I never really watched that show—so I can’t speak to how good or bad her…
I was like “everyone with dark hair that age looks like Kendall Jenner now...”
June’s always had that long chin, which is a big difference. But all the same yeah, I totally see it!
remember to recycle
...but I would still fuck Seth Rogan, what a babbbbbe.
What’s with her cheek? I can’t tell if that’s bad Botox or if she got tagged in a knife fight.
I wrote earlier that a rapist will do anything to rape, even begin something consensual.
I personally would only count consensual encounters.
I think sometimes people who aren’t around teenagers and early twenty somethings forget how thin they can be without dieting or trying. She looks like half the girls in my daughter’s high school.
I wish she didn't have that satin ribbon around her neck, it makes me think her head will fall off
hence the confusion
I like to think he waited patiently for that tweet. He knew it was coming and he sat there waiting for it. It was glorious.
I feel like this buries the best part of the beef, where a Drumpf supporter called John Legend uneducated (because of course) and he responded, “actually the Donald and I graduated from the same university”. Daaaaaamn. You couldn’t plan for a more perfect burn.
Yeah, she’s clinging onto youth in a very unnerving way. It just looks uncomfortable trying to maintain that facade when your own life is taking you farther and farther from it every day.