Gimme Some Sugar

I remember Lainey at laineygossip loved that book but I had a feeling it would be like what you described. Seeing yourself through others can be an important thing, but living through other people’s perception of you and having that make or break you? Truly sad.

Oh I get it. Miley Cyrus smells Rita Ora’s hair and it’s all fine and lovely. I take a locke of it, fashion it into a voodoo doll and mail it to Miley Cyrus, and it’s house arrest and restraining orders. I get it. Whatever.

“If the peen doesn’t please, there are other ways for him to get you off, and as a sex-guest, I’d say there’s an unspoken understanding that he will indeed try some of those, and that you’ll be cool with that effort being made before saying adios. Just cutting things midstream and kicking him/her out because of a

I had a situation working for a bank where I had a boss who I think liked to surround himself with women in the workplace and bantar, but other than that was always fine and even fatherlyish.

They totally pick and choose. I used to have a friend who was attracted to me, but I made it very clear we’d never be anything but friends. I would get totally drunk and crash at his house. Nothing creepy ever.

That might be it, that you were higher up the food chain. Still wrong and gross, and completely predatory :(

I’m a guy, but at my last job my male boss was constantly hitting on me, or touching me, or commenting on my looks. I let it be known I didn’t swing that way and him off several times, but it continued.

I still kick myself for being too young to know how not ok the harassment I experienced at the restaurant I worked at was. Instead, I quit because I started having panic attacks.

In theory I agree. In practice, that’s wildly optimistic.

“I don’t feel like talking about that subject. How is [school/work/family/hobby/tv show]?”

No advice, but so-and-so is a dipshit. Double so for smoking someone’s weed he allegedly doesn’t like. Not cool, dude.

I've had this sort of burning pain below my c-section scar for about a year. Then I have cramping, bloating, dull sort of pressure, back's awful. And it's getting worse all the time. I'm definitely not pregnant because I cannot even partake in the sexy times anymore. My poor husband. I bet if I was married

I have no issue with the idea of giving a new mom a gift to recognize what she went through. I think the idea behind a push present is to acknowledge that in a heterosexual relationship, women absolutely take on a bigger burden, and risk, during pregnancy and birth. Both parents get a baby out of the deal.

I have no issue with push presents. I had to give up running when I was pregnant— my husband didn’t. We both got our awesome kids at the end of each pregnancy, but I definitely had to go through more to get there. So I take no issue with treating myself (usually to a new pair of running shoes) after pregnancy.

This is probably sponsored, right? Like, she’s saying this because Lorraine Schwartz paid her a lot to say it

Pardon me, your Highness.

This can all be broken down to one bullet point about half way down your list:

I’m just imagining a sad gorilla with an iPhone. “ u no girlfriend?”

But I think it's made me a better Mom by a mile! You gotta be the person you want to be, not necessarily the one you were raised to be.

Yeah, I’m sure that happened. Someone known universally for being nice is secretly a demanding bitch.